I'll start with an interaction I had with my son when he was just 6 years old.
When I came home at night, I asked him how his day was at school.
He said, "Dad, why did a little boy at school say a lot of bad things about Jews? And why doesn't he like Jews?
How can I answer a child on a subject that is more than a thousand years old, one of the most delicate and difficult, and that he understands without boring him too much with a discussion that would be almost philosophical. The story repeats itself: twenty years ago, I asked the same question to my father.
I took him to my office and took a book from the shelf called THE NOBEL PRIZE. I explain to him what it is so that he understands and then I turn the pages.
And I tell him: You see, this gentleman here is a Jew. A little further on, this one too is a Jew. And you see, this woman, Rita Levi-Montalcini, is also a Jew.
He stops me and says: I know why Daddy, they don't like Jews.
Why not? I ask him
Because they are jealous!
I stopped our little exercise and told him, "You'll grow up my son and you'll understand a little better.
Are we to believe that the truth really comes out of the mouths of children?
How, at 6 years old, does my son find a reason?

I intend to talk about anti-Semitism and jealousy to see how much these two words, or rather evils, have in common and to try to rationalize a subject that is so present nowadays.

Perhaps I should start by saying that the Jew is a separate race.
I am sorry to use the word race, because in my opinion it has to do with the color of the skin, and the Jew in general belongs to the white race.
However, it often happens that the world speaks of the Jews as a race, so I will go with the flow

I will of course talk about Christians and Muslims and I will not hesitate to say that the Jews existed long before them. The history of the world is there to prove it.

The world must know that Christianity, since its existence, two thousand years ago, has never ceased to repeat to its followers that it was the Jews who killed Jesus. Since Jesus is considered by the vast majority of Christian believers as their God, it was enough for this world to start hating the Jews. How dare they kill our God? So we cannot love them. And so it goes.

It was not until the early 1960s that Pope John XXIII, at the subtle suggestion of the Jewish historian Jules Isaac, decided to inform his church that it was time to acknowledge that the Romans, not the Jews, killed Jesus.
This missive was sent to all the churches in the world, and I am very sorry to say that not many people paid attention to it. So the first scenario continued to propagate.

And I believe that today, sixty years later, nothing has changed. The average Christian still thinks that the Jew is a murderer and he continues to hate him and manifests his behavior with insults and violence which have the name: Anti-Semitism.

It is a fact that today the average person recognizes what the Jews have done for humanity. Without shouting it from the rooftops, he admires the Jews for their good deeds and does not wish them ill.
As for the masses, therein lies the problem and the authorities, whoever they may be, do nothing to correct this misunderstanding.

I will now touch on the subject of jealousy that my son raised above.

I remember a famous word of Umberto Eco that I like very much:
Jealousy is formed without any respect for what is, or what is not, or what perhaps will never be; that it is a transport that from an imagined evil draws a real pain; that the jealous is like a hypochondriac who becomes ill by fear of being ill.
Can it be that this imagined evil which has caused real pain is nothing other than Christianity?

What is jealousy?

The dictionary will tell you that it is a feeling of spite mixed with envy due to the fact that someone else gets or possesses what one would like to get or possess. And here it is.

If we all had the same things, there would be no jealousy,
But how can we? We are not the same, except when envy gets involved.
So it is this envy that over the centuries has caused so many massacres.
His castles are more beautiful than mine, I need them.
His weapons are more modern than mine, I need them
His horses are faster than mine, I need them
His plain is more fertile than mine, I need it
His fleet is more powerful than mine, I need it
And so on.
Jealousy is nothing else than a human weakness, nothing else than a feeling of spite mixed with envy. One envies the advantages and successes of others.
This same jealousy provokes distrust and ends up attacking the party that possesses what one wishes to possess.
It was Henri Amiel who said that jealousy is a terrible thing. It looks like love but it is the opposite. Instead of hoping for the well-being of the beloved thing, it desires the dependence of this object on itself and its own triumph. In other words, a catastrophe. As La Rochefoucauld well noted: In jealousy there is more self-love than love. Curiously, a German saying goes: No jealousy, no love.
Why so much violence in the heart of man?
Then we look, we search and we remember if we take the Bible as a witness, that one of the first men, Cain, gave the example by committing the first crime of the humanity, according to this version of course. This same Bible does not give any reason for his act.
Could it be that it was jealousy?

And if we come back to today, are we to believe that the Jews have what others do not have, and that is why they are jealous?

I said earlier that I would talk about Christians and Muslims. What about the latter?
Those who know a little bit of history will remember that the Prophet Mohammed wanted to convert the Jews who lived with him in Arabia to his religion, Islam. The Jews refused. He immediately eliminated them. He killed entire tribes and told his people not to like or associate with Jews.

Nowadays, the situation is even more serious: Can it be that the poverty, even the misery that many Arab and Muslim countries are experiencing nowadays are the source of so much hatred. Yes, I say hate because this word is on their language. If there are only two entities that the Arabs hate, and they hate them en masse, it is the United States and Israel, known as the Great Satan and the Little Satan.
There is no middle ground with this fanaticism, it forces us to fight resolutely. If we do not react, we will be swept away.

What I said above about Mohammed wanting to convert the Jews, the same situation arose some thousand years later with Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism.
The latter, in those early days, made contact with the Jews with the intention of converting them to his religion. When they refused, they became his worst enemies. He demonized them as an ethnic group. In his book 'On the Jews and their Lies' he spoke of the unbearable evil burden of the Jews...Wherever they have their synagogues, you will find nothing but a den of demons. To save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil, he recommended that the synagogues be burned down and the houses of the Jews destroyed, and that even the safe-conducts of the roads should be completely abolished for the Jews.

Apart from jealousy, there are many other elements that make one dislike others.
Frustration and lack of happiness cause people to vent their problems and attack others.
We see it today with the Gilets Jaunes. They certainly have demands to express, but in the process, they hit everything and commit crimes.

Jealousy leads to crime and we often hear on the news that someone beat his wife's lover out of jealousy.
Is this jealousy curable?
For if it is the cause of murder and war, perhaps we should find a solution for it?
The other day I heard someone say: Avoid jealousy, it only harms your life. And I think he was right.
Indeed, what do we gain by being jealous?
Don't we say that the jealous person gives substance to the shadows?
By the way, isn't the word jealousy associated with the words envy, egoism, hatred, malice, moral indignation, pride, unhappiness and vanity?
Who wants to be associated with all these curses?
For rare are the men who have the character to praise the success of a friend without a trace of envy.
This word is not mine, I found it in Agamemnon of Aeschylus. And it is this envy that must be overcome by generosity and nobility of soul according to Cervantes. And who better than Moses in the Bible to teach us to control the lust that would tempt us to take his neighbor's wife, if not his house or his ox. We see how jealousy and envy overlap
History is full of situations where this element has played its role in complicating things too much, thus giving no chance to any possibility of good understanding.

The unfortunate thing is that there is always a scapegoat and this one has always been the Jew.
And why?
Because he was always there. Because of his omnipresence and his numbers, he was easier to punish

Can these few words explain the reason for anti-Semitism?
What is it?
This is what the current President of the State of Israel says: Anti-Semitism is a disease for the Jews and the whole world. We must fight anti-Semitism by strengthening memory. We must stick to historical facts and not to political talking points.
And Jean-Paul Sartre in Reflections on the Jewish Question in 1946 wrote:
'The democrat has a lot to do: he deals with the Jew when he has the time; the anti-Semite has only one enemy, he can think about it all the time; he sets the tone.'
In April 2017, statistics showed that "Over the past five years, anti-Semitic acts have represented, according to the Ministry of the Interior, 40% of the racist acts recorded in France, while Jews comprise less than 1% of the population."

Another definition comes from the Anti-Defamation League. According to the ADL, anti-Semitism is the hostile belief or behavior toward Jews simply because they are Jews.
And we have seen in recent years several crimes committed for this simple reason. Among others the HALIMI's, the Kreil's.

The renowned French historian Georges Bensoussan has said that anti-Semitism is a permanent cultural feature of Islamic culture that has been brought to court on charges of racism. Which begs the question: how much political correctness serves the Islamic agenda.

Unfortunately, historically, this anti-Semitism also grew to gigantic proportions exactly when the Jews made it (the English term is: 'when Jews made It') and became as equal as possible. The Spanish Inquisition took place when the Jews were advisors to the King and Queen of Spain. The Nazi holocaust took place when Jews
The Nazi holocaust took place when Jews took the highest positions in the Court, the Academy and in the Culture in Germany, after centuries of discrimination. Yes,
anti-Semitism hurt us even when we integrated into the host culture and eventually succeeded.

It's 2020 and that doesn't change. We have to believe that we have to live with it.

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