To begin with, I will say that I am neither a philosopher nor a great thinker. I am a simple person who tries to understand the world today, and if I try to understand it, it is because it does not seem to be as it has always been.

Granted, we are in a different century and yes, many things have changed. But, as a person, I have not changed, I am the same, I want to live a happy life. What a great word, a happy life!

I want to think that many of my readers may share the concern I have. When you don't recognize your neighbor because his attitude has totally changed, you wonder.

So I went to my neighbor and asked him my question. At first he looked at me without saying a word, then he said gently: If you don't understand what is going on, then maybe you don't deserve to be one of us. And he continued: Well, yes, the world is not the same, our government and our politicians have decided that we should live differently and I agree with them.

I was shocked! Because I myself don't like what our government is doing. I think most, if not all, politicians think of themselves before they think of me. I don't get much satisfaction from the way I see them act. They spend a lot of time, energy and money on issues that are not worth that much effort and they don't realize it. So much so that I sometimes question their intelligence. Who is the guilty party? Those who voted for them in the first place. You, me and many others?

And what about education?
Here again, many points can be raised and the worst is to pay exorbitant amounts of money to go to university, the costs are astronomical. Not to mention the problems invented by politicians regarding quotas that force them to accept a certain number of minorities, this is just a smokescreen while universities are all too happy to give huge scholarships to black athletes who don't deserve to be accepted based on their GPA to play on their football and basketball teams, a huge source of revenue.

This system has now created a class of student debtors who will not be able to participate in this economy because they will be subject to the banks and lending institutions that will make more profits off of them. And here's another class-dividing issue. Should we forget about student loans? Some say no, simply because they had to pay theirs at face value. Many of these students will not be able to buy a house, have a "big" family and participate in the economy in a way that benefits them. Of course, some politicians are all too happy to make this an issue of class division.

Wasn't it Jefferson who said that democracy could only survive with educated citizens and we are currently doing the opposite? And when we see the intellectuals, they too are shunned and ostracized because the masses don't have much education and see them as a threat.
I am always amazed at how we are manipulated by our politicians and our press to serve their interests and not ours.

I'm tempted to write here part of something I just read that makes sense to me. It's from Tucker Carlson: Bannon convicted of a crime that Democrats are never convicted of.
The hallmark of any authoritarian regime is politicized justice. In this system, your opponents go to jail, your supporters can do whatever they want, and it reveals that the state exists not to serve the people in it, but to preserve itself and crush dissent.

I hate to think that we've come close to that point here in the United States, because there's nothing worse than that, or scarier, or harder to fix, but in fact, we've reached that point. That's where we are.

Again, this piece bothered me and I'm sharing it here in case some readers agree with it. Unfortunately, I never thought that talking about humanity would make me write these despicable words. But that's life.

I always imagined the world as the best place for people to live and love each other, sharing all the good the planet has to offer, giving us the humanity we deserve. For me, humanity is man, woman, human nature, serving others who are part of us. For me, it is altruism, respect and benevolence towards others.

I have to stop and ask myself if what I have just written makes sense.
I am sad to disagree. When we see and hear conflicts of all kinds, even wars around us, do we not ask ourselves: Is this right? Is this the way it should be?
The answer is clear and simple: we, men and women living on what we call our planet, are the only ones responsible for what happens to us. And our governments, wherever they are, are complicit in doing nothing. I repeat nothing.

Where is the intelligence? Has it disappeared? Or was it there from the beginning?

I remember that in the past, humanity was able to sustain both wars and progress. Today, should we not protect the fate of humanity? Do we not have an ounce of mercy for humanity? Yes, humanity has been enriched by technology and has led us to increased productivity. Therefore, we should not try to kill it, knowing that history is the life of nations and humanity.

I am tempted to accuse the evil powers, including governments or parts of them, of not realizing the damage they are doing to our lives. When will we understand the value of humanity and respect it and be proud of it? It has so many benefits that we forget to take advantage of. Maybe if we make it a religion, since religious people are observers, then humanity will get its laurels.

I said that I am not a philosopher, however, upon rereading the above, I realized that I was speaking as one, forgetting the details of our daily lives. Every hour of every day, a crime is committed and lives are lost. What have we done to deserve this treatment? How can we change this behavior?

Now let me finish and look at some positives to lighten the load. I read this sign somewhere, I can't remember where.
It said, "Humanity should be our race. Love should be our religion.'' Also: Kindness is the best form of humanity. And here's more wishful thinking: Humanity has only scratched the surface of its true potential.

Reader, if you have a comment, an idea, an edit, a suggestion, please tell Jacques@WisdomWhereAreYou.com