And I'll give you a vivid example:
When we go to Costco to buy toilet paper, we don't buy a roll that will last a few days, but rather a big 24-roll pack that will last more than a month.

In other words, we think ahead, as if we're sure to be there in another month. And now here is another, even more striking example. Before we even get married, we think about the children we're going to have and how we're going to have to save to guarantee them a place at university. They are not here yet and we are thinking about them. Are we living for today?
These are two examples and I'm sure there are dozens if not hundreds more. My idea in raising this point is to make the world realize that we are not living for today but for tomorrow, that we are not living for ourselves but for others.

Is this what life is all about?
Why should the other be more important than me?
Am I not good enough to deserve a little more?
Have I not done enough to live the remaining days to the fullest?
Am I so selfish to want to think of myself?

And now let's stop and think about what I just wrote.
No one needs to be a philosopher to think about such a simple point. Some people will tell me that they don't have time to stop and think, so busy they are earning their living, a life they don't like because it doesn't satisfy them.
I come back to the major point that troubles me. We don't think!
Is it so difficult?

I will shock many. If thinking is the ability to reflect, that is to say to use one's intelligence, can it be that this ingredient is missing in the masses? I did say that I would shock you. Only the intelligent among us will appreciate what I have just said.
And if I just lost you, a great pity.

I don't know if I did the right thing by changing the subject, but all our problems revolve around the individual that we are, with our good and bad sides. I insist that we must wake up and understand. I ask nothing better for each of us than to live in harmony, not to have to worry about our future.
Yes, it is a wishful thinking, maybe an unrealistic one, but why not?

In conclusion, I hope I have succeeded in convincing you to think first of yourself and your present. It is today that we live, not tomorrow, so let's take advantage of what we have...today

Reader, if you have a comment, an idea, an edit, a suggestion, please tell Jacques@WisdomWhereAreYou.com