MANUAL OF WISDOM Get the version PDF  

Wisdom! What a beautiful word! What a nice word that means so many things! How many amongst us would not wish to be associated with it?

I found a portrait of wisdom that goes like this:" The biblical portrayal casts wisdom as a feminine spirit".

The Greek term for wisdom, sophia, is feminine, and exegetes have speculated that God is presenting himself here as co-creator, having conceived the world and humanity with a partner who is a feminine power or spirit, possibly sophia.

Religion scholar Elaine Pagels explains that some Agnostics believed such Wisdom texts signified that God himself was a secondary power, created by the divine Mother, the Source of life."

This sense of femininity is also found in the Lady Wisdom.

That is the persona in the book of Proverbs. She is "God's handmaiden or consort" who describes the attributes of human decency with a feminine common sense. Before the creation of the skies, the earth, and the sea, she was beside him.

I am tempted now to bring a paragraph written by one of the most famous Hebrew sages, as one of the many Paths to Greatness. Hillel said:

"The more flesh the more worms, the more property the more worry, the more wives the more witchcraft, the more maidservants the more lewdness, the more slaves the more thievery. The more Torah the more life, the more study the more wisdom, the more advice the more understanding, the more charity the more peace.
One who acquires a good name acquires it for himself; one who acquires words of Torah has acquired himself a share in the World to Come."

We all have a lot of respect for all the wise men who lived in our universe in the course of the last five milleniums.
Léon Tolstoy, was probably one of them. Between 1904 and 1910, he wrote " A calendar of Wisdom". This book of a bit more than 365 pages contains in each page chronologically from January 1st to December 31st, between three to six paragraphs representing maxims, proverbs, sayings, thoughts, reflections from Lao Tzu to the La Rochefoucauld passing via the Talmud.

I counted nearly fifteen hundred quotations, most of them being his while others stemming from one hundred and fifty various author

The idea of a calendar may have been original, but I do not find any relation between a date and a saying.

I propose to rather group all these notions of wisdom under specific categories in order to associate wisdom to these topics.

Credit will be given to the author of those fine words, since an old Arameic sayings goes:" Whoever says something in the name of its author brings Redemption to the world.

I do not know if I will be able to write as many pages as Tolstoi, but there will be enough subjects to satisfy anyone curious or thirsty of knowledge.

Furthermore, I give credit to Mr Tolstoy who offers me many thoughts but I also plan to liberate my Palm pilot of all those that I have collected in the course of the years.

My deep regret is that in many cases, I did not remember nor inscribed the name of the author of such and such wise word.

I am awfully sorry as I refuse to get credit for their wisdom.

I must say that I read a lot, it is thus the fruit of all my readings.

In less than two years, on top of the one hundred and twenty six languages of which I made a repertory and of which I know a little something, maybe a wish, a salutation, a proverb or an adage, I did without knowing what Leo Tolstoy did himself, that is grouping thoughts as themes.

How great was my joy to discover that we shared the same perspective. I could already see myself as the new Leo Tolstoy.

His name will often appear as well as others whose works I read.

This reminds me another passage called the Joys of Wisdom.

It is so touching and beautiful that I must share it with the reader who may not have read Proverbs:

"Blessed are those who have discovered wisdom,
those who have acquired understanding !
Gaining her is more rewarding than silver,
Her yield is more valuable than gold.
She is beyond the price of pearls,
Nothing you could covet is her equal.
In her right hand is length of days;
In her left hand, riches and honor.
Her ways are filled with delight,
Her paths all lead to contentment.
She is a tree of life for those who hold her fast,
Those who cling to her live happy lives"

Now, isn't there one name people associate to wisdom? I mean King Solomon. May I quote a passage I found in a book called, listen to this" Wise Women" by Susan Cahill. It goes like this:

Solomon's love for wisdom

"Wisdom I loved and searched for from my youth;

I resolved to have her as my bride,

I fell in love with her beauty.

She enhances her noble birth by sharing God's life,

For the Master of All has always loved her.

Indeed, she shares the secrets of God's knowledge,

and she chooses what he will do.

If in this life wealth is a desirable possession,

What is more wealthy than Wisdom

whose work is everywhere? "

To facilitate the task, the subjects will be presented in alphabetical order and not in order of importance for who could say that conscience is superior to folly or that destiny is better than freedom?

There is one subject I will try to avoid, as it is complex and tends to cause a lack of harmony between people, though I know it is important, at least for some people if not most.

It is religion. I will carry few words about it but not too many.

From the book of wisdom comes this eulogy to wisdom:

" For within her is a spirit intelligent, holy,

unique, manifold, subtle,

mobile, incisive, unsullied,

lucid, invulnerable, benevolent, shrewd,

irresistible, beneficent, friendly to human beings,

steadfast, dependable, unperturbed,

almighty, all-surveying,

penetrating all intelligent, pure

and most subtle spirits.

1 A

Population tends to grow faster than the sum of its parts. The only remedy to the increase of misery is the voluntary limitation of births by abstinence...Thomas Malthus
What is the absurd?
It is the thickness and strangeness of the world, it is sin without God. There can be no absurdity outside the human mind. Thus the absurd ends like all things, with death.
But there can be no absurdity outside this world either.
And it is by this elementary criterion that I judge that the notion of the absurd is essential and that it can represent the first of my truths... Albert Camus
The absurd is the only necessity on earth. The world stands on absurdities...Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Isn't the myth of Sysiphe a glaring example?
And since this world is without reason or purpose, without design or plan, since no will animates it, since eternity is empty - then, meditate, act, none of your vain noises will ever make you deaf enough not to hear the grain of sand in the machine. Until you recognize it. Admit it. And give it a name.
This grain of sand - but no, it's not a grain of sand, it's the engine itself - it has a name, indeed - it's called The Absurd...Albert Camus
Is there anything more absurd than a person having the right to kill me because we live on opposite sides of a river and our kings quarrel with each other.
Blaise Pascal
There is the possibility of individual freedom by accepting the absurdity of life. Indeed, some may find courage, even a certain pride facing an empty existence, because the meaning of life could be compressed through the actions of the individual and his decisions...Jean Paul Sartre
It is absurd for the unchanging and unbegotten nature that an all-powerful God can take the form of a man.

Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea

2 A

What is adapting? It's doing what everyone else is doing. To close your eyes when necessary, to put your principles and ideals aside, not to stop the machine from running. In
other words, it's learning how to steal and share the benefits with others.
Never cease to earn the affection of your world; in their goodwill is the security of the state, in their anger there is danger, and in their hatred certain
ruin. And rule so that the world may bless you, so that it may live happily under the shadow of your protection, for in this is the glory and joy of a king...The Caliph
Abdu Rahman I, to his son Hisham on his deathbed in Moorish Spain in 787
Affirmations are like prescriptions for certain aspects of ourselves that we would like to change.
Jerry Frankhauser
An affirmation is the strong, positive statement of something that is already so...Shakti Gawain

3 A

Age is the most terrible punishment. Our vanities are extinguished as our strength leaves us.
When we are young, we must take advantage of it. We must be aware of the passing of time. It is like the river, it flows stainless and its waters never
and its waters never return to the source...Erasmus
Who doesn't know that the first age is the most joyful and the most pleasant to live? If we love children, if an enemy even helps them, is it not because there is in them the
the seduction of folly? Prudent nature provides them to the newborns so that they reward in pleasure those whom they raise and that they conciliate their protection.
To this age, youth succeeds. How she is celebrated by all, pampered. She encourages all the hands stretched towards her.
Finally, here is the unwelcome old age, a burden to others as to itself and that no one could bear... Seneque
I bring back to the first age the old men, neighbors of the tomb.
One says of them that they fell again in childhood. It is to bring them back to the fountain where they drink the long forgetfulness, their sorrows drown there and rejuvenate themselves. One believes that they
that they are rambling, without doubt it is that very thing which is to become a child again. Isn't that the charm of childhood?
Is he not a detestable monster, the child who reasons like a grown man? This saying attests to it: "I hate premature wisdom in children".
An old man who would add to his complete experience of life the advantage of strength of soul and penetration of judgment, who would bear to have him as a friend and
familiar? Let us rather leave this age to ramble. My old man escapes the words that torment the wise. It is a merry empty bottle. The disgust of the existence does not reach him,
which a more robust sage can't suffer.
To add that the old men adore the children and that these adore two, because who resembles himself assembles... Homer
They differ only by the wrinkles and the number of years.
Light hair, mouth without teeth, small body, taste of milk, stammering, babbling, silliness, lack of memory, absent-mindedness, everything brings them together and the more old age advances, the more
old age, the more this resemblance is accentuated until the hour when one leaves the days, unable at the same time like the child, to regret the life and to feel the death...Erasmus


The inclination to aggressiveness is an original instinctive disposition
..Sigmund Freud

Nothing really worthwhile comes from ambition or any sense of duty..
Albert Einstein

The soul has the form of the body...Aristotle

"Do we even know if we have a soul?
Do we know if the animals whose blood makes life, as it makes ours, which have like us wills, appetites, passions, ideas, memory, industry?

Do you know if these beings, as incomprehensible as we are, have a soul as we are supposed to have one?

I had believed until now that there is in the nature an active force from which we hold the gift to live in all our body, to walk by our feet, take by our hands, to see by our eyes, to feel by our body. to hear by our ears, to feel by our nerves, to think by our head and that all this was what we call the soul. 

Vague word which is the unknown principle of our faculties. 
I will call God with you, this intelligent and powerful principle which animates the whole of nature: but has he deigned to make himself known to us?
to make himself known to us. Candide by Voltaire

You must acquire the kind of wealth that cannot be stolen by robbers, that people in power cannot rob you of, that will remain with you, even after your death,
never diminishing and never disappearing. This wealth is your soul...Indian proverb


If the eye were an animal, its soul would be sight...Aristotle
What is the folly in which your soul indulges?
La Harpe, The Earl of Warwick
Since the soul perishes with the body, man can find happiness on earth provided he frees himself from his passions.
Epicurus by Lucretius
There is a principle of the soul, superior to all nature, and by which we can rise above the order and systems of the world. When the soul rises to natures
natures more excellent than itself, it then separates itself from all subordinate natures, exchanges this life for another life, and abandons the order of things to which it is united, to
to which it is united, in order to attach itself to and mingle with another...Jamblique
Zwei Seelen wohnen, ach in meiner Brust.
Was stehst du so, und blickst, erstaunt hinaus
Two souls, alas! dwell in my bosom.
Why do you stop like this, looking astonished...Faust
Friendship is the balm of life. One should have made of it a religious precept...Voltaire
Nothing is so dangerous as an ignorant friend, better would be a wise enemy...La Fontaine
It is sacred and cannot be imposed. Friendship also has its sweetnesses and its habits. It must be preferred to everything in this world. It is not less necessary than
air, fire or water. Its charm is such that to omit it from the midst of men would be to rob them of the sun.
The philosophers themselves have not been afraid to list it among the Great Goods.
Friendship resists time and triumphs over death.
When a man cannot protect his friend. He loses some of his influence. When he cannot avenge him, he loses his friends.
Friendship stands the test of time and triumphs over death


Cupid was often represented with a blindfold on the eyes, because the love does not apperceive defects in the beloved object...Paul Valéry, Eros, Cahiers
To love is to live and die from an infernal bet that one makes on what happens in the soul of the other. Also, there is no true love without despair to love.
In the same way, there is no love of living without despair of living.
If an ugly woman makes herself loved, it can only be in madness, because she must possess more invincible charms than beauty alone.
When a feeling of love is tinged with ambiguity, we say:
"between dawn and sunset, between shadow and light".
The true raw material of love is time.
You are not only capable of love. You really live only through this feeling. Love is the water of the heart. Without it, it dries up, as Sabah would dry up if one day
day the Nile were to disappear...Gilbert Sinoué- L'Égyptienne
Of all the mysteries of the universe, love is the most complex. Love is close to the divine. One should not laugh about it.
Love is the gift of self, sacrifice, forgiveness.
Shalon Asch - Petersburg
Everything fades, everything ends, everything dies and is forgotten, except the image of the first love.
It is unfortunately true that without leisure, love can only be a commoner's orgy. Instead of a burning or dreamy caprice. It becomes of a disgusting utility...
Self-love is assigned to each nation. To the Spaniards, the military glory, To the Italians, the literature and the eloquence, To the English, the good food and the beauty... Erasmus


Sixty years of oppression under an unjust ruler is better than one hour of anarchy...Iman Malik, an early Islamic legal authority
Angels do not enter a house where there is a dog or a figurative representation...The Quran
Animals, what a pitiful thing, what a poor affair to say that animals are machines deprived of knowledge and feeling, whose performance of their operations is always the same, who do not have the
operations is always the same, which learn nothing, which improve nothing...René Descartes
Compassion for animals is intimately linked to goodness to the point that one can say that a person cannot be good if he is cruel to animals. The
compassion for animals comes from the same source as compassion for people...Arthur Schopenhauer
Fear God, do not torture animals. Let them serve you, and let them rest when they are tired; provide enough food and water for these creatures
that do not speak.
A person is not higher than other animals because he can torture them without mercy, but rather because he has mercy on them...Buddhist Wisdom
Do not allow your children to kill insects; this is the first step on the way to killing people. Pythagoras
Appetite comes with eating.
Amnon Denker, Israeli journalist


Money is often too expensive...Ralph Waldo Emerson
Money must be earned honestly and through hard work. Gambling, like stealing, is forbidden because it "does not contribute to
the establishment of the world.
Money is not shameful; it is a safe conduit, a means of escape, a guarantee of freedom.
Money is not a path to salvation. It is a shield.
Money is first and foremost a means to avoid violence.
Jacques Attali
Money is the reason why trade exists. It is also the reason why trade exists. Without money
- a mode of exchange, a measure, a storehouse of value - trade could not operate. Money was invented for trade. Banks were invented by commercial
commercial interests to take care of money, as the guardians of money.
- What happens in the banking industry generally reflects the evolution of the economy and the societies that rely on that economy for their well-being.
- With nations, as with families, money is an emotionally charged subject. After all, money represents power, control and privilege.
- As the laws of the market have become powerful, it is now the law of profit that takes precedence over all other considerations. It is as if political power, in other words
It is as if political power, in other words, democratic power, has been overtaken by money and its capacity to decide on scientific matters... Some excerpts from Jacques Attali
Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which one you need the most
If you want to see a short summer, borrow money that will be due in autumn
Money itself is not interesting, it is a symbol. What is exciting is not having it, but varying the methods of earning it. Anyone can become
Anyone can become rich, but to be stronger than money, that cannot be achieved by everyone.
I was once poor and was rich, I even went bankrupt several times. Money is only a symbol. Here, people stupidly show off their wealth.
Money should never be an end in itself. It is a means, a symbol, I tell you!
People go crazy with money...Beautiful mother
There is a widespread impression that the association of large sums of money implies a special intelligence and therefore it should be left to
specialists. Even shareholder control is an illusion.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Money makes the world go round. It makes the lame man run and the dumb man talk. Even a man without hands reaches for money. A man may be a fool, but
money will make him noble and wise. If you have money, you can have luxury, pleasure, joy and even benefits from the pope; you can buy Paradise and earn salvation.
Piles of money bring piles of blessings....Archbishop Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor,XIII Century, Spain
Borrow money from a pessimist. He does not expect to get it back.
Money is God in action...Raymond Charles Barker
The more we learn to operate in life on the basis of trust in our intuition, the stronger our channel will be and the more money we will have...Shakti Gawain
The money will come when you do the right thing.
Mike Phillips
All substance is energy in motion. It lives and flows. Money is symbolically a golden stream where life energy flows in concrete form.
The Magic Work of the Soul


A small branch cut from a large branch is separated from the tree. In the same way when a person has an argument with another, he is separated from all humanity. Mark Aurelius - Roman Emperor and Philosopher
In reality, to be great, one must not be agitated without a great argument...Hamlet
Art is the indestructible link between all peoples and all civilizations...Salvatore Dali
The art? Just do it...Martin Ritt
Art advances but the craftsman regresses...Alexis de Toqueville
Like religion, art is concerned with the imagination.
The goal of art is not a rarefied intellectual distillation, it is life, intensified, brilliant life...Alain Arias Misson
All the arts we practice are only learning. The great art is our life. M.C.Richards
There is no due in art because art is free.
Wassily Kandinsky
I would become a master in this art only after much practice...Erich Fromm
I can't expect my own art to give me all the answers - only to hope that it continues to ask me the right questions...Grace Hartigan
Art is a technique of communication. The image is the most complete technique of all communication.
Claus Oldenburg
A work of art is said to be an ice pick to break the frost in us...Franz Kafka
My business and my art is to live...Montaigne
He shapes the facts according to his ideal preferences.
George Santayana
As for the Jewish art, nothing reveals as much the internal life of a people as its arts...Jean Paul Sartre
Art evokes the mystery without which the world could not exist...René-François Ghislain Magritte
The question of Jewish art has often been asked: "Where is the Jewish Michelangelo, the Jewish Rembrandt, the Jewish Rodin? Is it possible that a whole nation cannot produce a single painter?
painter? To paraphrase this argument, the Jewish apologists said: "Paganism sees its God, Judaism hears him.
In ancient Egypt, through the arts, the Egyptians celebrated their gods and their pharaohs, but they also worshipped the Nile. They celebrated beauty wherever they found it
they found it among the people and in nature. The Egyptians believed that imagining something made it real. A statue carved in a tomb would come to life and serve
the deceased in the next world. The aart was powerful, it had magical purposes.
Art is at the heart of Aboriginal life. It connects the past to the present. It evokes the power of the elders and expresses the relationship between the people and the land.
I am in the world with the purpose of composing.
Franz Schubert
It is one thing to adore a painting and quite another to learn from a scene depicting a painting that should be adored, for what writing gives to the world that reads, painting gives to the world that reads.
the illiterate who looks at it. Since this uneducated world sees what it would like to imitate, the painting becomes a book for the one who does not know
Pope Gregory the Great in his letter to Serenus-600
Is Jewish art possible today?

A national art requires a mother house from which it develops and a united community for which it exists.
Neither of these elements has been provided by the Zionist movement...Martin Buber
Art is at the same time the sublime simplicity of the worship of an icon and the idolatry into which it has inevitably fallen.
Leo Tolstoy
Art is either plagiarism or revolution...Paul GauginARGUMENT
A small branch cut from a large branch is separated from the tree. In the same way when a person has an argument with another, he is separated from all humanity.
Mark Aurelius - Roman Emperor and Philosopher
In reality, to be great, one must not be agitated without a great argument...Hamlet
Art is the indestructible link between all peoples and all civilizations...Salvatore Dali
The art? Just do it...Martin Ritt
Art advances but the craftsman regresses...Alexis de Toqueville
Like religion, art is concerned with the imagination.
The goal of art is not a rarefied intellectual distillation, it is life, intensified, brilliant life...Alain Arias Misson
All the arts we practice are only learning. The great art is our life. M.C.Richards
There is no due in art because art is free.
Wassily Kandinsky
I would become a master in this art only after much practice...Erich Fromm
I can't expect my own art to give me all the answers - only to hope that it continues to ask me the right questions...Grace Hartigan
Art is a technique of communication. The image is the most complete technique of all communication.
Claus Oldenburg
A work of art is said to be an ice pick to break the frost in us...Franz Kafka
My business and my art is to live...Montaigne
He shapes the facts according to his ideal preferences.
George Santayana
As for the Jewish art, nothing reveals as much the internal life of a people as its arts...Jean Paul Sartre
Art evokes the mystery without which the world could not exist...René-François Ghislain Magritte
The question of Jewish art has often been asked: "Where is the Jewish Michelangelo, the Jewish Rembrandt, the Jewish Rodin? Is it possible that a whole nation cannot produce a single painter?
painter? To paraphrase this argument, the Jewish apologists said: "Paganism sees its God, Judaism hears him.
In ancient Egypt, through the arts, the Egyptians celebrated their gods and their pharaohs, but they also worshipped the Nile. They celebrated beauty wherever they found it
they found it among the people and in nature. The Egyptians believed that imagining something made it real. A statue carved in a tomb would come to life and serve
the deceased in the next world. The aart was powerful, it had magical purposes.
Art is at the heart of Aboriginal life. It connects the past to the present. It evokes the power of the elders and expresses the relationship between the people and the land.
I am in the world with the purpose of composing.
Franz Schubert
It is one thing to adore a painting and quite another to learn from a scene depicting a painting that should be adored, for what writing gives to the world that reads, painting gives to the world that reads.
the illiterate who looks at it. Since this uneducated world sees what it would like to imitate, the painting becomes a book for the one who does not know
Pope Gregory the Great in his letter to Serenus-600
Is Jewish art possible today?
A national art requires a mother house from which it develops and a united community for which it exists.
Neither of these elements was provided by the Zionist movement...Martin Buber
Art is at the same time the sublime simplicity of the worship of an icon and the idolatry into which it has inevitably fallen.
Leo Tolstoy
Art is either plagiarism or revolution...Paul Gauguin




The inhuman atrocities of the Arabian communities have no parallel in Jewish history...Former Israeli President and Historian Yitzhak Ben Zvi



The universe is dark to him who expects his food from others.
It is better to have Shabbat on a working day than to depend on others.
Cursed is the man who trusts in man.
The Talmud

The salt of the coin causes its diminution.
Since salt is the main means of preserving foodstuffs, it is therefore the symbol of accumulation.
So stinginess causes ruin... The Talmud

Beware of people for whom you do good, always be vigilant...The Quran

He who does good to others gives the greatest gift to himself...Seneca


A bad mood is often the reason for blaming others; but very often blaming others causes bad feelings in us; the more we blame the worse we feel.
is it Tolstoy?

Do not blame your neighbor until you are in his place.
…The Talmud

If you are born poor, you have no one to blame but yourself.
…Buddhist saying

If you notice someone in error, then correct that person and his error in a humble way. If he doesn't listen to you, blame yourself; or better yet, don't blame
but continue to be humble.
..Marcus Aurelius



"We must keep our dreams in mind, with the rigor of a sailor who keeps his eye on the stars, then we must devote every hour of our lives to doing everything in our power to get closer to them.
It is in our power to get closer to them, because nothing is worse than resignation."
…Gilbert Sinoué-Le Livre du Saphir

We must find our happiness in the happiness of others.
…(Ex 19-Deut 26)

"Between the dream and the reality exists a prodigious abyss. In the course of an existence, happiness is limited to trying to fill this void.
… "Seneque

Happiness is the state in which people are most fulfilled. It consists in a life of intellectual activity and contemplation..

Happiness is not always something positive. Simply an interlude between two states of pain.
The error is enormous to make reside happiness in the realities. It depends on the opinion that one has of them. There is so much obscurity, so many diversities in human things, that it is impossible to elucidate anything.
As the academicians have rightly said: "the least proud of the philosophers-= or even if someone arrives at knowledge, it is often at the expense of his happiness.
The greatest happiness is when at the end of the year one feels better than at the beginning.
...Henry David Thoreau

Only love and friendship fill the loneliness of our days.
Happiness is not the right of everyone, it is a daily struggle. I believe that we must know how to live it when it presents itself to us.
...Orson Welles

Happiness is at hand, under our eyes, happiness is simple, it is to learn to be satisfied with what the day brings to the night, to have the health of the body and the spirit and to know that and knowing that the key to the treasure is there, in our rib cage, where the heart beats, where the lungs breathe, where our blood circulates. Happy people don't have history.
…Tahar Ben Jelloun - The night of the error

The happiness of man is in voluptuousness. The happiest life will be the one with the most pleasures and the most sadness. The rarer the pleasure, the more valuable it is price.
Since the soul perishes with the body, man can find happiness on earth, provided he frees himself from his passions.
…Lucretius, De Natura Rerum

The happiness or unhappiness of a man does not depend on the number of properties he owns or the amount of gold he possesses. Happiness or misery lies in the soul. The wise man feels at home in every country. The whole universe is the residence of a noble soul...

Man can find happiness on earth provided he frees himself from his passions.

The greatest revenge on people who hate us is to be happy.
..Micromegas, by Voltaire 


Common sense is the most common thing in the world.
Was it  Descartes?

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired before the age of 18.
..Albert Einstein

Common sense is not common.
,..Mark Twain


Pay good for evil. We must be like trees that give fruit to those who throw traps at them.
Is it Tolstoy?

All the best qualities of humanity are meaningless and worthless without goodness, and even the worst vices can be easily forgiven with goodness.
...Leo Tolstoy

Happiness is something a person wishes for himself; goodness is something a person wishes for himself and for others. Happiness can be achieved by
struggle; goodness, on the contrary, by remaining humble...
…Leo Tolstoy

Some seek goodness in power, others find it in science, others in dissipation. Those who are closest to goodness understand that the real goodness for one is when
for one is when all people have this goodness and share it among themselves...
…Blaise Pascal




The forces of a capitalist society, if left unchecked, will tend to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
..Jawaharlal Nehru


Every weak character loses its sense of proportion when it touches its powerlessness. Age weakens character.

Character is a tree that produces nothing but degenerate fruits, but they remain of the same species. They end up being covered with knots and moss. The fruit is eaten by worms but it remains an oak or a pear tree.

If we could change our character, we would give ourselves one. We would become the masters of nature.

A man of character always has a difficult character that makes him unmanageable and unkind to despots.
…Winston Churchill

Although the Romans always looked at the character of man, they never showed how modern man is precisely devoid of character.
..Isaac Bashevis singer


In the field of observation, luck favors only the prepared mind...


One must accept change.
This is what life is all about.


Sometimes we pay a lot of money for the things we can get for nothing..
...Albert Einstein

The second things are much more important than the first...
…François Fènelon- Roman Catholic Theologian

Do not be attached to things because everything is impermanent.
…Buddhist saying

The watch is the most produced object in the world today (400 million per year)...Jacques Attali

There are those who see things as they are and wonder why.
...John F Kennedy

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.
..Martin Luther King Jr

Some things must cause you to lose your mind unless you have some to lose.

The hardest thing to understand in this world is the tax report..
.l.Albert Einstein

One can consider that there is nothing more difficult to conduct, of doubtful success, of very dangerous to manipulate, than to initiate a new order of things.
...Niccolo Machiavelli

Don't tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with the results.
…George Patton



You make your plan fit the circumstance.
…George Patton

People who want to force circumstances become their slaves. Those who use them become their masters.
…The Talmud


Quotes are the pillars of the ghost writer. Without them he would slowly sink into nothingness.
…Erik Orsenna


One of the lessons of history that we must remember is that no civilization can be taken for granted. There is always a dark age waiting for you around the corner, if you play your cards wrong or make mistakes.
…Historian Paul Johnson


There are no coincidences, neither in life nor in destiny.
A man creates his own destiny...
…Abel Villemain


Any compassion expressed as a response to rage is like water to fire. When you are enraged, try to sympathize with the other person, then your rage disappear.
…Arthur Schoppenhauer - German Philosopher

A lack of sensitivity among the rich is not as cruel as their compassion.
..Jean Jacques Rousseau

The fear is, if the emotional distance is overcome and the 'enemy' somehow becomes a suffering human being, then compassion might have enough power to make the totalitarian machine enough power to bring the totalitarian machine to a halt.
…Erna Paris, The End of Days

Someone once told me that every person has an element of good and an element of evil in them, and that good or evil can be manifested according to the mood of the person.
We have two different ways of understanding this world within us. One is the feeling of being divided, distant and misunderstood from the other, in which case all things appears to us''''gloomy''. 
We feel nothing but jealousy, indifference and hatred. I would like to call the opposite way of understanding, the understanding of the unification.
In this case, everyone seems to be close to us, all are equal among them. This state, therefore, awakens compassion and love in us...
…Arthur Schoppenhauer

The average CEO of a large U.S. corporation receives 110 times the salary of an average employee of his company. Outside the United States, exploitation is less rampant.The top executive of a Japanese company in comparison receives 17 times the average worker's salary.
In Germany the difference is 23 times.


You must behave in such a way that you can say to everyone: "Behave like me".
Immanuel Kant
To understand is not to want to judge...André Malraux
Whenever you don't follow your internal conduct, you feel a loss of energy, a loss of power, a kind of spiritual death...
Shakti Gawain
All you have to do to receive guidance is to ask for it and then listen...Sanaya Roman
What I am saying is that we must be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and without fear...Shakti Gawain
I am going to make you a confidence which should not be repeated...Charles de Gaule
Conquer rage with humility, conquer evil with goodness, conquer greed with generosity, and conquer lies with truth...Dhamapada, a book of
Buddhist Wisdom.
Know thyself...Socrates
The only source of knowledge is experience.
?Albert Einstein
Sharing your knowledge is the way to immortality
?Dalai Lama
Knowledge is power...Francis Bacon
Consider your seed:
You were not created to live like a brute,
But to follow virtue and knowledge...Dante
Let your tongue get used to the words "I don't know".
Eastern Wisdom
One can contribute very little to the growing mass of knowledge. It is in summer that ants form their anthill...Aristotle
Knowledge and teaching are inseparable. A man cannot claim to know his subject unless he is able to transmit his knowledge to others.
It is difficult to imagine how anyone can attain true knowledge without at the same time committing good acts. Moreover, knowledge is itself a product of good
product of good deeds.
Jewish Wisdom
What matters is not the quantity of your knowledge, but its quality. You can know many things without knowing the most important one...Leo Tolstoy
To claim to know defies logic and flies in the face of reason.
Sherwin B. Nuland, The Wisdom of the Body
It is in the knowledge of the true conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason to live...Simone de Beauvoir

The path to true knowledge does not lead through grass covered with flowers. To find it, a person must climb the peak of the mountains...John Ruskin
Socrates did not have the weakness of so many other scholars, the desire to know all possible things, to Learn the origin and explanations of things - what the
Sophists call
the nature of things'' - and to discover the origin of the heavenly bodies. Socrates said: 'It is true that people are concerned -with these earthly things'.
People falsely believe that they should know everything. They think that they can disregard the most necessary and important fields of knowledge, and thus penetrate the mysteries that do not
belong to us.
Knowledge has no limits and the most learned and erudite person is as far from true knowledge as an illiterate peasant...John Ruskin
Much knowledge is a dangerous thing.
It is better to know less than is necessary than more than is necessary. Do not fear a lack of knowledge, but rather fear knowledge that is not necessary
acquired only to please vanity.
Leo Tolstoy
Never be ashamed to admit that you do not know.
Arabian proverb
You should study more to understand that you know little.
?Michel de Montaigne
All men, by nature, desire to know...Aristotle
The only true science is to know how a person should live his life. And this knowledge is offered to everyone...Leo Tolstoy

The basic principles of a rational vision of the existence and consciousness of man...there is only one reality, that which man perceives, which exists as an
absolute objective. Man's task is to perceive. Man's mind is his only tool of knowledge...Aristotle
Knowledge has no limits. Therefore there is a tiny difference between those who know much and those who know very little...Leo Tolstoy
Sharing your knowledge is a way to achieve immortality.
Dalai Lama
We live in the age of philosophy, science and intellect.
Great libraries are open to all. Everywhere we have schools, colleges, universities that give us the wisdom of the people of previous millennia.
And what is that?
Have we become wiser through all this?
Do we understand better our life, or the meaning of our existence?
Do we know what is good for our life?...Jean Jacques Rousseau
The main views of a rational view of the existence and consciousness of man...there is only one reality, that which man perceives, which exists as an absolute objective.
Man's task is to perceive. Man's mind is his only tool for knowledge...Aristotle
Knowledge has no limit. Therefore, there is a minute difference between those who know much and those who know very little...Leo Tolstoy
Any knowledge born of argument or discussion must be questioned...Leo Tolstoy
Knowledge is defined by the relationship of two movements, one of which starts from the object and the other from the subject. What makes us happy is the gentle movement, neither too strong
nor too weak, which manifests precisely the objective state of pleasure.
Some Philosophers
The knowledge is born from the insufficiency of the knowledge due to the sensation. Knowledge consists in perceiving what one knows, knowledge is sensation. To know it is indeed
to know oneself such as one is compared to such circumstances...Aristotle

Never be ashamed to admit that you do not know.
Arabian proverb
You should study more to understand that you know too little...Michel De Montaigne



Convictions are more dangerous enemies than truth and lies...Freidrich Nietzsche
Do not think that courage lies in boldness and power. The greatest courage is the courage that is stronger than rage and to love a person who has offended you.
Persian Wisdom
But there is no reason to be ashamed of tears, for tears testify that a man has had great courage, the courage to suffer...Viktor E. Frankl
Only in the storm can one see the sailor's art; only on the battlefield can one see the soldier's bravery. The courage of a simple person can be seen
can be seen in the way he measures up to the difficult and dangerous situations of life?Daniel Achinsky
Some people can find courage and even pride in facing an empty existence because the meaning of life can be compressed according to one's actions and decisions. Jean Paul Sartre
With courage, one dares to take risks, one has the strength to empathize and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity...Keshavan Nair
Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one's courage...Anais Nin
The courage of your friends strengthens you...Arabic proverb
The courage of your enemies makes you proud...Chinese proverb
For the Greeks, the best way to take away the shame of the defeated and the pride of the victors, is to unite with a captive. Alexander the Great did it with Roxanne,
daughter of a great Persian. Having triumphed, it is necessary to show oneself capable of going beyond the resentment.
Fear has a way of focusing the mind
One always wants to destroy what one fears...Candide by Voltaire
To expect neither punishment nor reward from God is to be truly atheistic.
What would be the use of the idea of a God who would have no power over you?
Do not be afraid of anyone or anything. What is most precious in you cannot be damaged by anyone or anything...Leo Tolstoy



  • I am the maddest of men...King Solomon, Proverbs XXX-2 "Ki ba'ar anokhi mé ish vélo binat adam li "
  • The heart of the wise is with sorrow, the heart of fools with joy.
  • I speak as a fool more than anyone else...St Paul
  • if you want to improve yourself, be a little crazy and be a little stupid...Epitect
  • The world is full of fools...Cicero
  • The greatest wisdom is to appear crazy...Dyonisus
  • "stultitiam simulare loco, prudentia summa" The fool changes like the moon, the wise man remains like the sun. Ecclesiastes
  • His folly is the joy of the fool...King Solomon
  • Where does the charm of children come from, if not from me who spares them reason. And at the same time, the concern. Am I right? When they grow up, study and take the use of life, their grace fades, their vivacity languishes, their gaiety cools down, their vigor diminishes. The more a man pushes me aside, the less he lives. Erasmus
  • Common sense is enough. Who better than a madman to have good sense? This one holds with the experiment. The wise man does not undertake anything, but the fool does not know the danger. The wise man takes refuge in the book of the ancients and learns only cold abstractions, the fool, by approaching realities and perils, acquires true common sense... Erasmus
  • The madness does not make the misfortune of the man since it is in conformity with its nature, the madman spouts madness...Erasmus
  • All that the madman has in the heart, he shows it in his face, expresses it in his speech. The same word which in the mouth of a wise man will bring him death, pronounced by a madman will delight the master prodigiously. It is therefore that truth has some power to please, if it contains nothing offensive. That is why this kind of man is so pleasing to women, who are by nature voluptuous and frivolous. Whatever they try on them, even of the most serious kind, they take it as a game and a joke. So ingenious is this sex to veil its peccadilloes...Erasmus-Eloge à la folie
  • The prophet is a fool and the spiritual man a madman...Prophet Hosée
  • The man who is not governed by norms and good manners, the ridiculous man, the tasteless man, the obscene man, the man who does not think reasonably and realistically, the man who never stops laughing, his face has taken many forms, one of them is 'mishigene', by making you stupid, they make you brilliant. There is a philosophy to their alienation...Leon Wieseltier- The New Republic
  • Only madness preserves youth and puts away unpleasant old age. The man who hides his folly is better than the man who hides his wisdom. Erasmus-From King Solomo
  • The number of fools is immeasurable. The world is full of fools. It seems that the most widespread good is the most perfect...Cicero
  • In contrast to the wise, fools are full of money, take the helm of the state and in a short time, on all points, are flourishing


Among the things we don't know, there are some we believe on the testimony of others. This is what is called faith...Bossuet
Faith is the courage of the spirit that rushes forward, sure of finding the truth.
This faith is not the enemy of reason, but its torch; it's the faith of Christopher Columbus and Galileo, which wants proof and counter-proof, provando et riprovando,
and it's the only one possible today...A Great Doctor
No one is ever strong enough, to be sure of always being the strongest...Thucydides
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich starker=
What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger...Nietzsche
Between the strong and the weak, it is freedom that oppresses and the law that sets free...Henri Lacordaire
God established the fraternity of mankind by giving birth to one...Bossuet
We must unite all French people by the indissoluble bonds of fraternity...La Fayette
Genius is the ability to hold on to a firm vision until it becomes reality...Bemjamin Franklin
To hold on, that is genius...Thomas Edison
Any fool, no matter how clever, could make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes genius - and a lot of courage - to go in the opposite direction...
the opposite direction...Albert Einstein
People only see what they are ready to see.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I understand here what we call glory: the right to love without measure. There is only one threshold of love in this world. To embrace a woman's body is also to hold against oneself
the strange joy that descends from the sky to the sea. Later, when I throw myself into the absinthes to let their perfume enter my body, I'll be aware,
against all prejudice, of accomplishing a truth which is the truth of the sun and which will also be the truth of my death. In a sense, it's my life I'm playing out here, a life that tastes like hot stone
warm stone, full of the sighs of the sea and the cicadas that are now beginning to sing. The breeze is fresh and the sky is blue. I love this life with abandon and
Yet, as I've often been told, there's nothing to be proud of. Yes, there is:
This sun, this sea, my heart leaping with youth, my body tasting of salt and the immense scenery where tenderness and glory meet in yellow and blue. This is what
I must apply my strength and resources to conquer this.
Everything here leaves me intact, I give up nothing of myself, I don't put on any masks: all I have to do is patiently learn the difficult science of living that is worth all the
Albert Camus

Don't people need to be governed?
Doesn't a herd need a shepherd?
Does the shepherd have the welfare of his animals in mind?
Most, however, have no other desire than to use them to their own advantage.
Governments know this. When you want the people to keep quiet, you give them an extra channel (France).
Panem et Circences
We want the grammarian to be able to name the nursemaid of Anchises or the beautiful mother of Anchemolus with her place of birth. Say how many years Alcestis lived and how many wineskins
he gave to the Phrygians.
Sed omnia praeclara tam difficilia quam rara sunt=
But everything that is great is as difficult to achieve as it is rare to find...Spinoza, Ethics
The only greatness of a country is justice...Albert Camus
When people go on strike, it's only to obtain better working conditions, better wages, better opportunities to become something other than what they are.
what they are.
Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maraoussi
In war, truth is the first casualty.
It is not true that a war against a foreign nation is sacred. It is not true that the earth wants blood. The earth wants pure water from the sky for its rivers,
pure dew from her clouds, but not blood. War is cursed by God, as are all those who take part in it...Alfred de Vigny
The first moral justification for war is the protection of the innocent against evil... If there is incontrovertible proof that the use of force can prevent the
massacre of innocentsw incapable of defending themselves, then the moral principle of love of neighbor commands us to use force...Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Israel is fighting for its survival, and its war is a just war.
Elie Wiesel
Pre-established harmony is the most beautiful thing in the world.
To idolize a hero is peculiar to youth.
Andrew Carnegie
There are no heroes in sports, only people who play games better than others.
The philosophy of history is the interpretation of humanity's past in the light of the ideal of its development.
George Santayana
History refers to events that are particular to an age or a race...Ibn Khaldun, 14th century, Arab theorist and historian.
The goal of historiography is the sum of remarkable events of noteworthy interest.
Al Kafiyaji, 15th century, Muslim religious scholar
The tragic farce of human history is that on every altar that man has raised, it is always a man that has been immolated and the animal that has been sanctified.
It is the attributes of the animal, not those of man, that mankind has worshipped. The idol of the mystic and the idol of strength.
Mystics and kings (the witch doctor and Attila).
Mystics aspired to an irresponsible conscience and ruled by means, claiming that their dark emotions were superior to reason.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, John Galt
An established history, and especially with the Scriptures, the
''laboratory notes of gifted observers of God's means toward men and women.''
John Polkinghorne
Arab history is a living reality in the minds of the Arab masses because history and Islam are one and the same to them...Faris & Husayn, The Crescent in Crisis
An Interpretative Study of the Modern Arab World, p24
History has always shown that men and women have chosen to leave their homeland only in the face of intolerable pressure...Walter Laqueur
It is the science of history that deals with events deduced from evidence and explained in terms of causal law.
George Santayana
History is a lie on which we have agreed...Napoléon Bonaparte
History is the desperate effort of men to give substance to the most far-sighted of their dreams...Albert Camus



Don't people need to be governed? 
Doesn't a herd need a shepherd? 
Does the shepherd have the welfare of his animals in mind? 
Most, however, have no other desire than to use them to their own advantage. 
Governments know this. When you want the people to keep quiet, you give them an extra channel (France). 
Panem et Circences 
We want the grammarian to be able to name the nursemaid of Anchises or the beautiful mother of Anchemolus with her place of birth. Say how many years Alcestis lived and how many wineskins 
he gave to the Phrygians. 
Sed omnia praeclara tam difficilia quam rara sunt= 
But everything that is great is as difficult to achieve as it is rare to find...Spinoza, Ethics 
The only greatness of a country is justice...Albert Camus 
When people go on strike, it's only to obtain better working conditions, better wages, better opportunities to become something other than what they are. 
what they are. 
Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maraoussi 
In war, truth is the first casualty. 
It is not true that a war against a foreign nation is sacred. It is not true that the earth wants blood. The earth wants pure water from the sky for its rivers, 
pure dew from her clouds, but not blood. War is cursed by God, as are all those who take part in it...Alfred de Vigny 
The first moral justification for war is the protection of the innocent against evil... If there is incontrovertible proof that the use of force can prevent the 
massacre of innocentsw incapable of defending themselves, then the moral principle of love of neighbor commands us to use force...Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize winner. 
Israel is fighting for its survival, and its war is a just war. 
Elie Wiesel 
Pre-established harmony is the most beautiful thing in the world. 
To idolize a hero is peculiar to youth. 
Andrew Carnegie 
There are no heroes in sports, only people who play games better than others. 

The philosophy of history is the interpretation of humanity's past in the light of the ideal of its development. 
George Santayana 

History refers to events that are particular to an age or a race...Ibn Khaldun, 14th century, Arab theorist and historian.
The goal of historiography is the sum of remarkable events of noteworthy interest.
Al Kafiyaji, 15th century, Muslim religious scholar
The tragic farce of human history is that on every altar that man has raised, it is always a man that has been immolated and the animal that has been sanctified.
It is the attributes of the animal, not those of man, that mankind has worshipped. The idol of the mystic and the idol of strength.
Mystics and kings (the witch doctor and Attila).
Mystics aspired to an irresponsible conscience and ruled by means, claiming that their dark emotions were superior to reason.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, John Galt
An established history, and especially with the Scriptures, the
''laboratory notes of gifted observers of God's means toward men and women.''
John Polkinghorne
Arab history is a living reality in the minds of the Arab masses because history and Islam are one and the same to them...Faris & Husayn, The Crescent in Crisis
An Interpretative Study of the Modern Arab World, p24
History has always shown that men and women have chosen to leave their homeland only in the face of intolerable pressure...Walter Laqueur
It is the science of history that deals with events deduced from evidence and explained in terms of causal law.
George Santayana
History is a lie on which we have agreed...Napoléon Bonaparte
History is the desperate effort of men to give substance to the most far-sighted of their dreams...Albert Camus
A monkey is similar to man in viscera, muscles, arteries, veins and bone shape....Galien
Man is blind because he has eyes, deaf because he has ears, deceived because he has a mind. The things he perceives do not exist because4 he perceives them,
which is why consciousness is not valid...Emmanuel Kant
Man is the eye of things...Euryph, On Human Life
A man is judged above all by the way he receives his guests...Raphaël Patai, L'Esprit Arabe
There is nothing on earth weaker than man...Homer
Our generation is realistic, because we know man as he is. After all, man is the being who invented the gas chambers at Auschwitz,
A man is like a bee, always ready to pick another flower. That's his nature. As for the flower, it gives its nectar to any passing bee.
I.B.Singer- The certificate (in relation to looking at other women)
As part of the condition of modern man, the idea of collectivism and the notion that men are mere cogs in a huge machine, there is nothing at all
at all. There is only nature. Nature has its laws, and there's no escaping them.
Man must not desire. He must not know the extent of his ignorance, nor the finitude of his condition.
The Law of the Garden of Eden
It is because man's first need is sexual that God provides him with a woman.
Man's greatest crime is his innate need to blend in with the established order, when in fact nothing great has ever been achieved other than by questioning order and tradition.
Nothing is taken for granted, nothing is definitive... Rooting oneself in convictions simply because they are those of the multitude is like living in a shroud.
To root oneself in convictions simply because they are those of the many is to live in a shroud, to live motionless, to sleep with the dead.
Gilbert Sinou-The Book of Sapphire
A man without generosity and mercy is not a man.
A man can endure anything, but only for a second. Lautrçamont
The best man is the one who is most useful to men. Avicenna

Exaggeration is the hallmark of jealous men.
When you go into battle, be strong but never unfair, reckless but never cruel. May each of your victories make you more magnanimous.
There are two kinds of men: some who seek to achieve a goal and don't succeed, others who achieve it and aren't satisfied. To be half of both
is a very heavy burden to bear.
As a rule, most men are for sale.
Men's promises are like the waves of the sea.
They die as quickly as they are born.
If man were perfect, he would be God...Voltaire
The destiny of mankind is founded on misunderstandings, divisions, pride and lack of tolerance. Isn't all this absurd?
You'd think that when man reaches the bottom of the abyss, the din of despair fades and is replaced by an immense silence.
Do you believe that men have always massacred each other as they do today, that they have always been liars, deceitful, treacherous, ungrateful, brigands, weak, fickle, cowards, envious?
fickle, cowardly, envious, greedy, drunkards, avaricious, ambitious, bloodthirsty, slanderers, debauchees, fanatics, hypocrites and fools?...Question from Candide to Martin- Voltaire
One of man's privileges is to write what he thinks.
Man's arrogance is in proportion to his ignorance.
Man's most natural tendency is selfishness.
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Zanoni or the Wisdom of the Rosicrucians
Man is a coward, a coward for lack of daring, a coward for conformity.
When man was put in the garden of Eden, he was put there
ut operaretur euméfor him to work. This proves that man was not born to rest. Work is the only way to make life bearable.
Women are cruel and men are cowards.
Do you think hawks have always eaten pigeons when they've found them?
Yes, I do.
If hawks have always had the same character, why do you think men have changed theirs?
martin's answer to Candide-Voltaire

I'm looking for an honest man and can't find him...Diogene
The time has come when the first duty of an honest man is to specify the obvious...George Orwell
Wisdom teaches us that honesty never costs, but deceit, lies, deception and theft never cease to exact their price. Telling the truth
honest dealings with others, returning what does not belong to us, refraining from keeping what belongs to others - these elementary forms of honesty
bring rich rewards to the social order and build the conscience and character of those who observe them.

Il n'y a jamais eu de nation civilisée d'une toute autre complexion que blanche, ni aucun individu éminent soit par l'action ou la spéculation.
?David Hume(Avant la d?couverte de Tombouctou)
Plutôt que de sauver l'humanité, chaque personne devrait se sauver elle-même…Alexander Herzen
Fais en sorte de traiter l'humanité soit par ta propre personne ou par une toute autre dans chaque cas comme une fin totale, jamais comme un moyen seulement.
L'humanité est un tisserand qui travaille en arrière à la trame des temps…Lamartine
L'annihilation du monde Juif n'est pas une perte pour l'humanité, mais simplement aussi utile que la peine capitale ou la détention protégée contre d'autres criminels.
?Alonso de Espina, Inquisition Espagnole- Rapport?e par Raul Hilberg,La Destruction du Juif Europ?en
L'humanité était apparement destinée à vasciller entre deux extrèmes, la detresse et l'ennui…Schopenhauer
Sois humble et oppose toi à la dissipation. Même une fine lame ne peut couper une soie douce. En usant des mots tendres et gentils, tu peux mener un éléphant avec un cheveu.
?Muslih u din Saadi
Il n'y aurait jamais de querelles sur terre si la vertu de l'humilité était pratiquée…Confucicus
L'humilité est une marque de puissance…Sagesse Juive
Les rivières et les mers sont maitresses des vallées à travers lesquelles elles coulent. C'est parce qu'elles sont plus basses que les vallées. De la même manière, une personne 
qui veut être plus élevée que d'autres devrait être plus basse qu'elles; si elle veut diriger les gens. Elle devrait être en dessous d'eux.
?Lao Tzu
Il n'y a rien dans ce monde qui soit aussi tendre et pliable que l'eau, cependant des choses dures et rigides ne peuvent lui résister. La faiblesse défait la force, la 
tendresse défait la rigidité. Tout le monde connaît cette loi, mais personne n'en fait cas. Le plus faible du monde l'emporte sur le plus fort; par conséquent, il y a un grand 
avantage à l'humilité et au silence. Seules quelques personnes dans ce monde sont vraiment humbles…Lao Tzu, Philosophe Chinois
Ne sois pas humble, tu n'es pas si grand que cela.
?Golda Meir
Parce que l'humilité c'est de croire aussi en sa propre vie.
Marc Levy, Ou es-tu?

Si tu cherches un exemple à imiter, tu devrais chercher parmi les gens simples et humbles. Il y a une réelle grandeur seulement dans ceux qui ne se manifestent pas, et ne se 
considèrent pas eux-mêmes comme grands…Léon Tolstoy
Il n'y a qu'une loi de la vie qui soit vraiment précieuse: quoique vous rencontriez en tout temps l'injustice, restez humble…Marc Aurèle
Nous utilisons souvent l'humeur pour traiter de choses intensément pénibles. Sigmund Freud (à propos de l'adultère)

Mourir pour une idée serait de mettre un trop grand prix sur les conjectures…Anatole France
Rien, ni même toutes les armées du monde, ne peut arréter une idéee don't le temps est venu…Victor Hugo
Les idées s'attacheront ensemble comme des corde d'oignons.
Benjamin Franklin
Une idée, je peux vivre avec une journée entière, la retourner en tout sens, la trahir, la compliquer à plaisir, car au fond, je ne crois pas à ce qui est simple.
Les idées, il faudrait toujours les laisser au ciel. Il n'en est pas une qui descendant sur la terre ne va faire un saut au bordel.
?Mark Twain
Supposez que vous soyez un idiot, et supposez que vous soyez membre du congrès, mais je me répète…Mark Twain


Exaggeration is the hallmark of jealous men.
When you go into battle, be strong but never unfair, reckless but never cruel. May each of your victories make you more magnanimous.
There are two kinds of men: some who seek to achieve a goal and don't succeed, others who achieve it and aren't satisfied. To be half of both
is a very heavy burden to bear.
As a rule, most men are for sale.
Men's promises are like the waves of the sea.
They die as quickly as they are born.
If man were perfect, he would be God...Voltaire
The destiny of mankind is founded on misunderstandings, divisions, pride and lack of tolerance. Isn't all this absurd?
You'd think that when man reaches the bottom of the abyss, the din of despair fades and is replaced by an immense silence.
Do you believe that men have always massacred each other as they do today, that they have always been liars, deceitful, treacherous, ungrateful, brigands, weak, fickle, cowards, envious?
fickle, cowardly, envious, greedy, drunkards, avaricious, ambitious, bloodthirsty, slanderers, debauchees, fanatics, hypocrites and fools?...Question from Candide to Martin- Voltaire
One of man's privileges is to write what he thinks.
Man's arrogance is in proportion to his ignorance.
Man's most natural tendency is selfishness.
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Zanoni or the Wisdom of the Rosicrucians
Man is a coward, a coward for lack of daring, a coward for conformity.
When man was put in the garden of Eden, he was put there
ut operaretur euméfor him to work. This proves that man was not born to rest. Work is the only way to make life bearable.
Women are cruel and men are cowards.
Do you think hawks have always eaten pigeons when they've found them?
Yes, I do.
If hawks have always had the same character, why do you think men have changed theirs?
martin's answer to Candide-Voltaire




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I'm looking for an honest man and can't find him...Diogene
The time has come when the first duty of an honest man is to specify the obvious...George Orwell
Wisdom teaches us that honesty never costs, but deceit, lies, deception and theft never cease to exact their price. Telling the truth
honest dealings with others, returning what does not belong to us, refraining from keeping what belongs to others - these elementary forms of honesty
bring rich rewards to the social order and build the conscience and character of those who observe them.


On a besoin de personne pour être ignorant…Voltaire-Candide
L'érudition d'un être se mesure parfois à l'ignorance des autres.
L'ignorance par elle-même n'est ni honteuse ni nuisible. Personne ne peut tout savoir. Mais prétendre que vous savez ce que vous ne savez pas est également honteux et nuisible.Léon Tolstoy
Il y a deux types d'ignorance, la pure, l'ignorance naturelle dans laquelle tout le monde nait, et l'ignorance des soi-disant sages. Vous verrez que plusieurs de ceux qui se 
considèrent érudits ne connaissent pas la vraie vie, et ils méprisent les simples personnes et les choses simples…Blaise Pascal
Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un ignorant ami, mieux vaudrait un sage ennemi…La Fontaine
Ce que j'ignore
Est plus triste peut- être et plus affreux encore.La Harpe, Le Comte de Warwick
Nous ne pouvons nous imaginer la portée de notre ignorance, tout comme un aveugle ne peut imaginer l'obscurité jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse voir…Emmanuel Kant
L'ignorance ne peut mener au mal, les fausses conceptions mènent au mal. Ce n'est pas ce que les gens savent, c'est ce qu'ils prétendent savoirJean Jacques Rousseau,Ecrivain et Philosophe Français
La vie change tout le temps, et seul l'ignorant ne voit pas la profondeur des choses.Lucy Malory,Ecrivain Americain, Journaliste,Editeur
Souviens toi que ceux qui sont ignorants ignorent généralement jusqu'à leur ignorance…Wayne W Dyer
L'imagination est plus importante que la connaissance.Albert Einstein
N'étanchez ni votre inspiration ni votre imagination; ne devenez pas l'esclave de votre modèle…Vincent Van Gogh
L'imagination incarne l'idéalisme, mais son pouvoir est limité parce qu'il reste sujet aux passions humaines.
Il existe donc une certaine puissance extatique qui, une fois éveillée et excitée par un désir ardent et une imagination forte, est capable de conduire l'esprit le moins recueilli vers un objet absent et éloigné…Van Helmont
Voici un de ces cas ou l'imagination est baffouée par les faits.Winston Churchill
Tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer est réel…Pablo Picasso
Impossible signifie que tu n'as pas encore trouvé la solution.

Exaggeration is the hallmark of jealous men.
When you go into battle, be strong but never unfair, reckless but never cruel. May each of your victories make you more magnanimous.
There are two kinds of men: some who seek to achieve a goal and don't succeed, others who achieve it and aren't satisfied. To be half of both
is a very heavy burden to bear.
As a rule, most men are for sale.
Men's promises are like the waves of the sea.
They die as quickly as they are born.
If man were perfect, he would be God...Voltaire
The destiny of mankind is founded on misunderstandings, divisions, pride and lack of tolerance. Isn't all this absurd?
You'd think that when man reaches the bottom of the abyss, the din of despair fades and is replaced by an immense silence.
Do you believe that men have always massacred each other as they do today, that they have always been liars, deceitful, treacherous, ungrateful, brigands, weak, fickle, cowards, envious?
fickle, cowardly, envious, greedy, drunkards, avaricious, ambitious, bloodthirsty, slanderers, debauchees, fanatics, hypocrites and fools?...Question from Candide to Martin- Voltaire
One of man's privileges is to write what he thinks.
Man's arrogance is in proportion to his ignorance.
Man's most natural tendency is selfishness. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Zanoni or the Wisdom of the Rosicrucians
Man is a coward, a coward for lack of daring, a coward for conformity.
When man was put in the garden of Eden, he was put there
ut operaretur euméfor him to work. This proves that man was not born to rest. Work is the only way to make life bearable.
Women are cruel and men are cowards.
Do you think hawks have always eaten pigeons when they've found them?
Yes, I do.
If hawks have always had the same character, why do you think men have changed theirs? martin's answer to Candide-Voltaire



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne sea vocent scripta abhorreant, facilisi explicari mel ne, ut quo vide ridens. Mei ex quodsi inciderint, quo ad quas deleniti definitionem, vis no wisi graecis offendit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne sea vocent scripta abhorreant, facilisi explicari mel ne, ut quo vide ridens. Mei ex quodsi inciderint, quo ad quas deleniti definitionem, vis no wisi graecis offendit.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne sea vocent scripta abhorreant, facilisi explicari mel ne, ut quo vide ridens. Mei ex quodsi inciderint, quo ad quas deleniti definitionem, vis no wisi graecis offendit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne sea vocent scripta abhorreant, facilisi explicari mel ne, ut quo vide ridens. Mei ex quodsi inciderint, quo ad quas deleniti definitionem, vis no wisi graecis offendit.



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