The Mars or March that I have always known has been the month that I love because it announces the spring, so the end of winter and the preparation for summer. What could be better.

But these days, Mars for many is that planet that the world wants to acquire or at least reach. Why is that?

Why this madness? Is it almost the right word to justify this new race in space. It seems that we have mastered the Moon and now we need a new, even bigger challenge.

NASA and this new individual, brave, courageous, rich and enterprising, to name him: Elon Musk, has set the goal of reaching the planet Mars and eventually take it over, make it habitable, inviting men to move and settle there.

Everyone will say that this audacious project is part of the march of progress and technological advance that our world has set for itself. Yes, we do not stop moving forward, even if it is to move towards the unknown.

Are we right? This is the question I ask myself.
I am sure that many of us are enjoying this idea, curious to know more about our world that was limited only to the Earth and the Moon and now promises to go further.

Sorry, but I am not one of them. Not that I am against progress, but my first concern is to take care of this Earth which saw me being born. This Earth which has offered me a life often pleasant but certainly with its hazards.

I can imagine the debate 'for or against Mars' which will treat some as adventurers and others as backward. Who will win?
I can already imagine the list of points for and against. It will not be easy to make this list to justify either option. The work will be more or less arduous, but it will be worth it.

Ideally, rather than doing this alone, I will have to develop two groups, consisting of seven people on each side, and let them each accumulate the pros and cons of such a process. Who would like to join me in this fabulous exercise?

When you think about how long it will take to get there and once there, no guarantee of a normal return, it makes you wonder how smart the process is.

Yes, there are among us curious people, who can afford such a trip. So let them go! As for me, I stay where I am, avoiding an unpleasant surprise. While the other, the curious, does not ask better than to be enriched by an unknown knowledge, no matter the inconvenience. Life is like that.

I recognize, like many others, that our Earth is encountering certain problems, already foreseen. We are talking about climate change, overpopulation, political and economic problems, wars that are going on everywhere.

Is this the reason why some people want to flee this potential Armageddon?

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