This article has been written the morning after 9-11, a date I am sure we will never forget 

I couldn't think of a better title because I am so outraged at the world for its position against Israel.

Where are the friends of Israel? All gone!

This is what happens when you want to defend yourself.
Today, Israel and its population are spending their energy trying to justify what is happening.

The world has forgotten that it all began with suicide bombers who simply came to our land to blow themselves up, bringing with them as many Jews as possible.

But who is taking care of the Jews today? Who really took care of them before?

So the world believes that we are aggressors, savagely invading, occupying an oppressed sovereign people, that we have brutally destroyed towns and villages, homes and stores, committing sacrilege in holy places.

So the world believes that we committed atrocities, that we massacred hundreds of innocent people, reduced them to dust, shot pregnant women and children, prevented ambulances from helping the wounded, prevented the burial of their dead, and when we did so, it was to cover up the massacre.

Everyone hears it on TV and reads about it in the press.
World leaders and humanitarian organizations are speaking out. We have heard people say that "what is happening here is a crime that can be compared to Auschwitz?

Ariel Sharon has been compared to the Serbian butcher Slobodan Milosevich.
The United Nations Human Rights Commission has condemned Israel for "mass killings of Palestinians", "gross violations of humanitarian laws? and affirmed "the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to resist?

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch condemned Israel for its "brutal practices in the occupied Palestinian territories".


Is this the truth?
What kind of society is Israel ?
Contrary to what the Secretary General of the United Nations asked: "Is it possible that Israel is right and the whole world is wrong", we say: Yes, Israel is right.
And how!

It is a shame that the world has lost all memory.
The world has forgotten that in 1947, the UN voted to partition Palestine to create two states between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean.
One Jewish state, that of Israel, and the other a Palestinian state. But the armies of nine Arab states crossed the borders to annihilate the new state of Israel and massacre another million Jews.

When the truce came, the territory of the Palestinian Arab state was devoured by Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
The world forgot that thousands of Palestinian Arabs fled before the Arab invasion. But when they reached the borders of Egypt and Jordan, they were not allowed to enter.

The entire Arab League with its 26 Muslim nations, with their wealth of oil, could not find room for their poor Palestinian brothers and sisters and so left them to rot in miserable camps, festering with hatred and rage.
The world has forgotten the wars of 1948, 1955, 1967, 1973 when the Arabs crossed our borders to kill and destroy. The world has forgotten the Munich Olympics.

The world has forgotten that we held back after a suicide bomber at the Delphinarium disco in Tel Aviv killed 21 teenagers. The world forgot that we held back when another destroyed the Pizza Sbarro and dozens died.
We must admit that the whole world is wrong and that Isralë is right. We will not apologize for doing what is right, for defending our children and their dreams.
Let them dance and sing when their children are blown up, we Jews will not apologize for living.

What is happening to the world? How can everyone suddenly be blind and look only in one direction?
By the way, history is unfortunately repeating itself and we can see this in black and white. The Jew has always been the scapegoat and will continue to be so.

Recently, we learned that the Nobel Prize committee, well known for its intelligence and objectivity, is about to ask Shimon Peres to return his Nobel Prize, not to Yasser Arafat, the terrorist and murderer, but to a statesman who is trying hard to make peace.

There is no doubt that there is now pressure on Elie Wiesel to return his prize because he no longer belongs to this racist and anti-Semitic club run by Arabs.
I will go further and strongly recommend to the hundred, still living, of the 129 Jewish Nobel Prize winners, inviting them all to reject their prize, to return it to the old Sweden, which suddenly joined France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Denmark, England, Ukraine, Greece, Slovakia, Finland, all those countries that strongly criticized Isralë (there were anti-Semitic incidents in each of those countries).

I think Israel was too good.
In 1967, when they won the war against the three Arab countries that came to destroy them, Israel  should have converted all the defeated territories as an integral part of Israel and sent back those who lived there to their Arab brothers. A one-way ticket, with no return.


To this day, I say, there is no place in Israel for Palestinians.
Originally, they were all Jordanians. Jordan is their country and that is where they should return. Let Jordan absorb them, but we remember how King Hussein treated them, so afraid they would overthrow him.

I will go further: let Jordan sell a piece of its territory, they have a large unused desert, let them sell it to make it a home for the Palestinians.
The whole world will pay for this land, including Israel , with the money "that belongs personally to Arafat" deposited in Israeli banks.
Let them call their new land Palestine if they wish and let their capital be El Quds.
The whole world will help in the creation of this new country, from the infrastructure to the formation of a government.
They should not share borders with Israel because the threat will always be there.
Perhaps then, and only then, will the world see how they can stand on their own feet.

Israel needs the West Bank and Gaza for its own population and I bet that in a short period of time they will convert the ruins into a livable space, unlike the current status quo that the Palestinians like to maintain to make the world sympathetic to their cause.
I say they have no cause. Islam has nothing to do with Jerusalem.

This is a gigantic lie. Palestine never existed, even in Roman times, it was just a name.
Under Hadrian in 132-135 A.D., the Romans completely destroyed the walls of Jerusalem as well as the whole city, and built a small square town, which they called Aelia Capitolina and later gave the country of Israel the name of Palestina (long after the disappearance of the Philistines, an Aegaean people), to obliterate the Jewish identity forever.

And yet, people do not want to read history properly, they base themselves on what they hear, coming from the Arabs, known to be the worst liars the world has ever known.
We all remember the 1967 war, when the Egyptians reported that they shot down about 50 Israeli planes, when in fact the entire Egyptian air force was grounded within minutes.

How can we believe Arafat who in English talks about peace, then turns to his men and says in Arabic: "Go kill the Jews".

It saddens me to recall Josef Goebbels who said: "The more you repeat a lie, the more the world will come to believe it is the truth. "Another German proverb says: "The bigger the lie, the harder it is to disprove.
The world doesn't care about all this because it is the victim of the Arab oil suppliers.

How can it speak ill of its dear suppliers, since it needs their black gold so much. It will hurt us if we stop receiving it.

And now the shocking element, what the world does not realize, is the threat that Islam is to the world. Humanity is thus divided into two groups: Muslims and non-Muslims. The Muslims are guided by Islamic law while the non-Muslims are destined to come under Islamic jurisdiction either by war or conversion of its inhabitants.

It is not race that opposes the two sides, it is religion. The godless West is a barbaric world that must be Islamized, eventually, by choice or by force.
Islamism is an ideology, not political but theocratic, which considers religious or denominational belonging as the only criteria of identity and otherness. Confessional otherness is then synonymous with political enmity.
We must measure the extent of the Islamist peril in the medium and long term.
Western strategists underestimate the scope and the capacity of a religious doctrine to cause harm.


However, a threat is not only military. Finally, intellectuals find it difficult to consider religion as anything other than a private matter. Islam is a total system uniting spiritual and temporal domains. It encompasses all trends: Hanbalism, Shiite, Khomeini, Muslim Brotherhood, FIS, Sunni.

The very nature of orthodox Islam to which the Islamists and the so-called moderate Islamic institutions refer is in great opposition to the values of the West.
Moderate Islam exists only in the minds of those who want to believe in it.
Throughout the world, the religion of Mohammed has been imposed by the sword.
The goal of Allah's theocracy is to extend to the whole world.
The other must be converted or enslaved to his political and religious laws.
The notion of peace is totally excluded and can only be conceived in terms of conversion and submission to Islam.

Here is the problem: In the name of "Human Rights" and the freedom of religious minorities, the secularized and anti-theocratic West encourages the expansion on its soil of a conquering and theocratic religion whose doctrinal foundations are in total opposition to the democratic and secular principles that govern our philosophical and political systems.

The world seems to accept the unilaterality of Islamic proselytizing in infidel lands, while no Muslim country has ever tolerated any freedom of religious expression on its soil.

Two Muslim states with a reputation for "moderation and tolerance", Tunisia and Turkey, do not allow any proselytizing on their soil.
Religious tolerance towards orthodox Islam is therefore never reciprocal, and it must be borne in mind that dialogue with Islam can never be anything but a fool's game.

There is a psychological war in which the one who yields the most, namely the Westerner, is the weakest and is defeated ex ante.

Beyond terrorism, the war waged by Islamists is essentially a war of religious and political-ideological conquest, via immigration and proselytizing.
These immigrants refuse more and more integration and any form of assimilation.
This Islamization, through immigration and Islamist subversion, constitutes a destabilizing factor and an extremely serious geostrategic threat, which may even be fatal for the West if the latter, stricken with denatality, does not react as soon as possible.

Islam is anti-Western to death, out of spite, out of nostalgia for the past glory, lost, illuminated but feudal, outdated. It remains that the West is the product of Hellenism ( philosophy and science) and Judaism ( conscience and philosophy)

The typical political attack is a bias attack: the Jew is certainly attacked, by tradition, but also today in order to attack the West, by bias.
This attack from the side gives itself the best chances, by offering post-Christian anti-Semitism a formidable justification and an enormous sounding board, thus an instant ally, yet future enemy.


The vision that the Arab world gives is one that is the antithesis of reality, and this is the most dangerous thing in the world at the moment.
No one can see what the goal of the Arab world has always been, and still is, the destruction of the state of Israel.

Moreover, if today the violence and vitriol are directed at the Jews, tomorrow they will be directed at the Christians.
The eternal history of time teaches us that it rarely ends with the Jews.
Islamic extremist militants were attacking and killing Jews long before the 9/11 attack that killed so many Americans.

The Nazis started by incinerating Jews, by the end all of Europe was on fire.
It is often said that the Jews are the canary in the coal mine civilization: when they become the object of savagery and hatred, it means that the air is poisoned and that an explosion is about to occur.

History, on the other hand, is driven above all by demography, and the West may one day, despite its thecno-military superiority, find itself in a situation similar to that of Kashmir, Lebanon and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, where Muslims, who were established in these countries long after the natives, ended up becoming the majority thanks to demographic dynamism.
Sooner or later there will be attempts at territorial secession.

Here are some statistics related to the population explosion. In the 1960s, the Arab population in France was 500,000; 40 years later, it is almost 6 million.
A study in Quebec shows that in 2002, the Arab population in Quebec is 280,000.
In 2005, it will be 375,000 and in 2022, it will grow to 2.2 million, that is, from 4.5% to 22% of the population.
Meanwhile, the United Nations predicts that the population of the "occupied territories" will rise from 3.3 million today to 12 million in 2050. Isn't that frightening?



The West itself is not immune to the excesses of Islam.
The flag of Islamic fundamentalists has been waved in disputes that have caused considerable loss of life in the last decade: The death toll is at least 50,000 in Chechnya, 100,000 in Uzbekistan, 50,000 in the Philippines, 200,000 in East Timor, 100,000 in Lebanon, half a million to two million in Sudan.
This is just a small sample of the struggle between Islamists and Christians.

Inter-Muslim conflicts are also a source of considerable human loses. 20.000 in Syriaat Hama, 20.000 in Jordan, 150.000 in Algeria, 50.00 in the Iraq-Kuwait war, and 1.000.000 dead in the Iran-Iraq war.

To simplify this context and reduce it to the Arab-Israeli conflict is to close one's eyes to the harsh reality of the lack of democracy and progress in many Islamic countries and the emergence of new frustrated and murderous generations whose danger is only beginning to be realized.

For Muslims, Christians, like Jews, hold part of the Abrahamic revelation and Jesus, like the other prophets and Mohammed, is an envoy of God.
But the Christians are accused, like the Jews, of having falsified the Holy Scriptures which had announced the coming of Mohammed.

Even more seriously, the Nazarenes committed the unforgivable error of divinizing Christ, who is certainly an envoy but remains a man, just like Mohammed himself
The Jews are an intrinsic part of the Western world.
Since the beginning of time, the Jews have stood out in all spheres of knowledge and have been conscious enough to share this knowledge with the world.

I am sorry to say that we are in this impasse together. And if the West does not come to the rescue, it will suffer outrageously. The essential doctrine of Islam is summarized by the expression: "God is great" followed by "There is no God but God and Mohammed is his envoy.
To this ultra monotheistic dogma, corresponds that of the final and Islamic uniqueness of the human society. Hence the absolute necessity for orthodox Muslims and Islamists to Islamize the planet.

To this day, Muslims in general remain deeply marked by the Crusades.
The Christian world tends more and more to resemble the pagan world, the world of barbarism and ignorance.
The heathen, the unbeliever, the Jew or the Christian are nothing but impurity (Koran IX;28 IX;113) and this is the reason why the Muslim cannot have any relationship with the unbelievers, these being fundamentally bad, impure and enemies.
It is this intrinsic impurity of the non-Muslims that is the basis of the prohibition by the Koran (IX;29) of their presence on the sacred territory of Mecca, reserved for Muslims only.

Eleven things are impure," comments Ayatollah Khomeini, "urine, excrement, semen, bones, blood, dogs, pigs, non-Muslim men and women, wine, beer, and the sweat of the garbage-eating camel.


Do you know a people so unworthy that they would dig up their own corpses, men who have been dead for more than two years, and spread them in the streets of Jenin to add to the number of the dead.
This testimony comes from English doctors who were part of the rescue mission.
They were so disgusted that they packed up and went home.
What a waste of time and energy.

We won't strap explosives to a dog to blow up people, but Palestinian children, that's allowed.
Did you know that there are 30 conflicts in the world today? Muslims are involved in 28 of them. There are no Jews in Kashmir or Sudan and yet Hindus and Christians are dying every day.

If this lecture on Islam is not convincing enough, I can only wish those dear countries supporting the Arab world to suffer one day the consequences of all their past kindnesses.
I promise them that it will be too late.
The saying goes: "You reap what you sow?
Keep wasting your precious time dear world, listening to the Arab propaganda of the "Jenin massacre".

No wonder no one learns from the past George Santayana said it before me, you are doomed to relive it with all its dreadful and dismal consequences. Yes, you will pay for it and dearly.

I once loved you, dear world, but not today, not in the way you react. Where is your intelligence? Where are all your wise men? They probably got discouraged and gave up.

I give credit to Rabbi Ed Feinstein, Nicholas D. Kristen,  Roman Podhorerx, Menachem Gourari, Mark Stein, Jeff Jacoby, Saul Kramer, William Krief, Alexandre Del Valle, David Bensoussan, Dénis Prager and few others.
Thanks to all of them as I picked up some if their words.

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