I have been deprived of pleasure for several days.

Let's start by defining what pleasure is:
An emotional state linked to the satisfaction of a desire, a need, an inclination.
Still it would be necessary to define desire!

Pleasure seems to be the opposite of pain. While desire induces a great wish.
Some will go so far as to mention epicureanism and hedonism.
We easily associate a few adjectives to the word pleasure: physical, sexual, intellectual, aesthetic pleasure.

Pleasure is certainly caused by something. The pleasure of the senses. The pleasure of offering. To give pleasure. Taking pleasure where you find it.
In other words, it is about pleasant emotion, joy, satisfaction.

Besides, when it is not a pleasure, it is not pleasant, is it? We often wish everyone around us a lot of fun

This duty I propose to do is to focus on the object or action that causes pleasure. That gives pleasure.

Isn't it true that one's will is what one likes to do?

This is one ´s arbitrary will, which does not depend on any rule, which depends only on caprice, without motive, without valid reason

Let's recapitulate: it is therefore a state, a feeling of satisfaction derived from something we like.

We can even add some synonyms such as: happiness, contentment, delectation, delight, enjoyment and finally by extension, wish, predilection, voluptuousness.

What is this famous pleasure of which I am so deprived and which costs me bitterly in mood swings as well as in a state of "amorphia", because everything in me disappears, the character, the will, the energy.

And yet the object is simple. Everybody lives it or almost. It is part of life. We do not die if we miss it, but its participation tends to make the world a little happier. Indeed, for some people it has become a reason to be where they want it excessively, while for the average person, we take it when it comes.

So what kind of pleasure is it?

Let's proceed by elimination:

Reading is a pleasure for some people, including me. I don't read like the average person, I read a lot. This way, I learn and enrich myself with so many discoveries. I enjoy it immensely and there is not a day that goes by that I don't enjoy it.

What is this famous pleasure of which I am so much deprived and which costs me bitterly in mood swings as well as in a state of "amorphia", because everything in me disappears, the character, the will, the energy.
Enjoying the sun and going to the beach is another form of pleasure. And there too, as soon as the opportunity arises, I jump on it. I just came back from a short stay in Florida and I couldn't come back without taking a few dives on the beautiful beach of Siesta Key

Meeting people and exchanging interesting and friendly conversation is also a pleasure I like to share. Here again, I make sure to take advantage of it even if sometimes the right elements are missing to make it a success.

Working in the garden, playing agronomist or herbalist can be considered as a pleasure because we get a satisfying result after picking tomatoes or cucumbers that we enjoy with malice

Playing with children, especially if they are your own, is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give yourself. I have this privilege that I do not cease to renew to draw a marvelous satisfaction from it

Going to the movies, to the theater, to the restaurant, to see a show, to take a bath, attend a tennis game are also activities that can give pleasure if you like it. It is something that I do from time to time, without more and I don't feel deprived if I miss it.

Collecting stamps, updating photo albums, planning your next trip in detail, sending letters or emails to old friends so you don't lose them, organizing a group outing, having a party at home inviting several different people and causing some interaction, all of these can be considered a form of pleasure,

Skiing, scuba diving, hoverboarding, hot air ballooning, doing a sport that is out of the ordinary will certainly bring an out of the ordinary pleasure. Just like playing cards with your group of friends where you know the rules.

Writing, either a novel, a short story, a poem, or a collection of beautiful things picked up here and there without wanting to lose them is for me an unequalled pleasure. Besides, when I'm not reading, I spend a good part of my time writing. Anyway, I write, it relieves me, it has become a therapy for me.

To make my imagination work. To dream. To think of wonderful situations.

What a pleasure it is to sail, to fly off the planet, to not worry about anything. And this is still the kind of pleasure I cherish and to which I am attached.

Dressing well for going out, putting on perfume, putting on beautiful jewelry, dressing up (I know there is a number and I don't remember which one), going on a binge and feeling good, this is another pleasure that is granted to all of us if only we would succumb to it.

Where am I now?
Have I forgotten other pleasures?
I am sure that after this inventory, you have all discovered the pleasure I am deprived of, since I did not mention it.

Don't lose patience, please, it should come, at least I hope so, because at the present speed, we risk to reach the hundred days and then, a historical mark would be born, and I believe that at that moment, I won't deserve to be part of our summer society and it would be better to disappear for good.

And now, all of a sudden, what I have been fighting for years, namely, depression, is resurfacing. I may oppose it, I may no longer take the Paxil that I was prescribed, I may see things more clearly, I may tell myself that it will pass, something I learned from Chateaubriand who, from the top of the Acropolis, said: ''Everything passes and everything ends in this world''.

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