I do not know why, but i can only imagine that we would be unhappy if we had no friends. For, if we look around us, it seems that everyone has one or many friends. It seems pretty natural.

And yet, does it not happen that at times we feel lonely, without anyone to tak to about our worries, our problems, our mishaps when that sometimes happens?

This situation happened to me and that is why I tried to discover how much friendship can bring each one of us a peace at times forgotten, a feeling of relief, but mostly the sensation of not being alone. And this leads me to believe that only love and friendship gratify solitude nowadays.

It is in reading the philosophers, that I discovered that they, themselves did not hesitate to include it amongst the Great Goods.
It is sacred and cannot be imposed. Friendship has also its sweets and its habits. It should be preferred to everything in this world. It is not less necessary than air, fire or water. Its charm is such that removing it from within mankind will be to take away their sun.

What beautiful words, right?
I also learnt that friendship resists time and triumphs death.

When I think of Voltaire, it reminds me that he said: Friendship is the balm of life. It should have been made a religious precept.

Hearing so many beautiful things about friendship, about a friend, one can ask why do we need any enemy? Considering that friends come a go while enemies keep accumulating. I think this word is from Coluche.
Which reminds me of some Chinese proverbs, one saying: 'a friend is a road,, an enemy is a wall'. While another :'A brother is a friend given to us by nature.

In fact, is it not true that the association of these two words is a matter of fact? Some friends love each other so much just like if they were brothers. So much so that we say that a true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.

I cannot end this praise to friendship without bringing my good friend Epicurus for whom Companionship was at the top of his list of life's pleasures. He wrote: '' Of all the things that wisdom provides to help one live one's entire life in happiness, the greatest by far is the possession of friendship.

Epicurus believed that choosing with whom one eats dinner is far more significant than choosing what the menu should be. In other words, before you eat or drink anything, carefully consider with whom you eat or drink than what you eat or drink, because eating without a friend is the life of the lion or wolf.

Like Epicurus, Montaigne was convinced that friendship, and the good conversation that comes with it, was the greatest pleasure available to us. On his essay 'Of Vanity' the French philosopher wrote: ''I know that the arms of friendship are long enough to reach from the one end of the world to the other''

And this Is why as we get older, we think of this warning by Letty Cottin: We need old friends to helps us grow old and new friends to helps us stay young.

And to finish, I will use a word of Pythagoras, very dear to me:
The friend is another oneself. One must honor him like a God

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