Yesterday, Saturday September 19th 2022, I was with members of the family in Walnut Creek, a city I like very much. The whole city has been revamped lately and the new downtown mall is impressive.
I decided to sit at a table where a gentleman was sitting. I noticed TOUCH THE SKY printed in the back of his t-shirt. I had to ask him if it meant something. No idea he said, it was offered to me by my son. I then decided that I have to write something about these words.

This is quiet a pleasing expression!
How can we think of something like this when we know it is impossible to touch the sky?

Unless the expression is meant for something else.
Like achieving a goal we never thought could be achieved .
Like succeeding at an exam pretty hard and we did it.
Like making peace with a friend after few years being apart.

I think that everyone of us likes the sky, especially when it is a clear blue with no clouds around. The immensity it offers makes us feeling happy. How can we not be transported by this amazing beauty?

It was the famous Rumi who told us : "Only from the heart can you touch the sky". Could it be that our mind is as limitless as the sky. If so why can't we discover the joys of sublimity? This is so natural, so infinite that the blue sky becomes a blue dream.

I understand when some people say ´the sky is the limit' but I dare to disagree because I prefer to let the blue of the sky take away my blue when I feel blue. I like something Ralph Waldo Emerson said, that the sky is the daily bread of the eyes.

I enjoyed two expressions I just discovered and I have to share them. The first from Gustave Flaubert who said : « I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings. »The order one by Sandra Cisneros : « You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. »

What to say of that rainbow which is that moment when the sky embraces the earth? Are we not all marveled by this sign which originally was a testament? How can I not think of the famous words of John Lennon :
« Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today. »

Let me now find what the sky offers us. Rain! It descends straight from the sky to the earth. Can we imagine a life without rain?
I am tempted to finish this exercise with a saying from good old Leonardo da Vinci :"Once you have tasted the taste of sky, you will forever look up."

You won't believe this, but as I write, I feel I am getting close to the sky and will soon touch it.

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