Nowadays, unfortunately, it seems that violence has taken on a great importance. And it is doubly unfortunate to associate such a beautiful word with the rather nasty one that is violence.

Originally, the not meant a brutal force exerted against someone. The verb says: to use violence, that illegitimate physical or moral coercion. And yes, violence is done by force or intimidation. And if we look closer, each of us has at some point in our lives, suffered violence.
A simple example, to do violence to a woman is to rape her

And here we are, all around us today, living incomprehensible situations.

We remember what Stalin and his henchmen did to their citizens, (just read the Gulag Archipelago), what the Nazis and their acolytes, not to mention Pol Pot and so many other dictators, have given as an example to humanity by showing how much violence has its say when one rules his country with a firm fist.

It was Elie Wiesel who said that violence begins where words end. Isn't this blind pressure that is the law also violence? Did he ask himself if there was a useful violence? Probably yes. Primo Lévi knew it. Death, even when it is not provoked, even when it seems merciful, is violence, unfortunately useful.

In this world of the living, violence is simply implicit, something that needs no explanation

I am reminded of a biblical passage, found in Genesis, which has marked me since I was very young. It is written in chapter 5, verse 6, "The Lord saw that the wickedness of men was great in the earth, and that all the thoughts of their hearts were only evil every day". And I have translated this in my own way: 'For the inclination of man's heart is evil from his childhood

If this is the case, why are we so surprised to see around us how violent man is?
If we analyze this point philosophically, we will see that in man's nature there are three principles that lead to strife: competition, distrust and glory.
The first is to invade for gain, the second for security and the third for reputation.

Violence is used to gain control of other people's property, to defend that property, and especially to underestimate and disown others.
Nowadays, one wonders if all these violent demonstrators have any idea of what they are doing when they destroy businesses, burn cars, confront police officers, vandalize property. And they add to that a hatred for their opponents, insulting them and wanting to hurt them.

Yes, I have to admit that man, in his essence, is evil. The man who had a whole life ahead of him to improve himself, did not do that. And according to Pr overbs, a violent man incites his neighbor and leads him to a path that is not good.

I am very sorry to add that with time dictatorship takes the place of democracy and war of peace. And it is our human condition that takes a blow while we always have this need to believe in something bigger than ourselves.Violence is sometimes silent and its language does not express violence, it is like an unwelcome thing that refuses and denies any function, any excuse. It is not a storm or a deluge, but the result of something going wrong. And this is what our society has come to.

Yes, I have to admit that man, in his essence, is evil. The man who had a whole life ahead of him to improve himself, did nothing of it. And according to Proverbs, a violent man incites his neighbor and leads him to a path that is not good.

I am very sorry to add that with time dictatorship takes the place of democracy and war of peace. And it is our human condition that takes a blow while we always have this need to believe in something bigger than ourselves.´

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