A bird and his mate are talking. The mother sitting on her eggs while the male was talking. All of a sudden, the father hears a noise coming from the bottom of the tree that was moving. He flies down to see what is happening.
Oh God!, Woodcutters are sawing the tree on which is his nest.
He runs to his mate, alerts her to help him lift the nest to move elsewhere. Both, pick a side of the nest with their beak and fly towards another tree far away.
At last we are safe, the fathers heaves a sigh of relief. He starts explaining the reason they had to leave their dear tree.

During this time, as the trees were falling, the woodcutters removed their branches and packed the trunks on a truck.
Once full with about twenty trunks, the truck departs to go to the factory so the trees are converted to tooth picks.
On the way the trees talk between themselves, the one in the bottom complaining about the weight of the one on top of him. The discussion is heated. They are all upset, knowing what their future will be.

And now our male bird decides to follow his tree. He recognizes it and asks what is going on. The later explains the situation. The bird raises his voice and addresses all the trees.
It is time you rebel, he suggests. You all must come out of this truck and return home. He proposes to help them fly and will show them the way to where they came from.
The idea is good replies a tree, but we have no wings like you to be able to fly. I will show you, replies the bird.
First I will come to peck each one of you and will help you out of your position and as soon as you feel airlifted, all you have to do is move your body like a wave and you will fly.
The bird pecks the upper tree which starts to move, then the one next to it and so on with all the others. They are now in the air, waddling along like a wave, floating, the bird on the lead directing them to the forest. They arrive and find their base. Each one attaches itself to it. All of a sudden, all the branches left on the ground rise and fly, locating themselves where they always belonged. The forest comes back to life. The bird announces that he is going to fetch his little family. Soon it will find its place

The truck arrives at the factory and they realize it is empty.
No one understands.

Reader, if you have a comment, an idea, an edit, a suggestion, please tell Jacques@WisdomWhereAreYou.com