When was last time you heard that expression?

When, I just called my son and told him : you know it has been a while since we played check, let's go and play a game. His reply: Sorry Dad, am too busy.
I then called my friend Dan and told him: Remember we agreed that we will be playing soccer tonite. His reply: Sorry I can't am too busy. I then called my friend Annie and told her: I am free tonite, maybe we can go to dinner together to which she replied again: Sorry, am too busy.

How many " I am too busy" will I hear?
At least the polite word "sorry" was used .
What do I make of this? They are all busy and am the only who is not.

I need to make a study about this famous word busy to understand what I cannot comprehend.
Being occupied is one thing , but not to be able to find time for a pleasant activity is another. What is wrong with everybody? Or is it me who is not with it?

Few days later I called Jenny, the spouse of my good friend Elmer and told her: What do you think if we go out together with you and Elmer this week end for hiking that we didn't do for a while ? Her answer: am very sorry but we are both busy this weekend so we cannot be with you.

Here is something I heard in the radio this week. It may make some sense to whoever has to live with it:
" We are always doing something, talking, reading, listening to the radio, planing what next. The mind is kept naggingly busy on some easy, unimportant external thing all day". In the meantime, the saying goes: "The busy bee has no time for sorrow ".

What one can say is that sometimes people appear to be busy, unless they are busy loving people . What about calling your phone company and the line is busy? For indeed some industries, at times, like, restaurants are busy. Thus may be good for the business but not for me.

I learn two interesting Latin quotes that deal with our word in their way
1) MAGNA MOLIRI, to be very busy with ambitious projects and
NEGOTIA AGERE , GERERE, to be occupied with business, busy.

Which leads me to believe that by the sounding and the script, busy must have something to do with business. Indeed the first two consonants pronounce the word.

To me, the very unfortunate thing this word bring about is how sad the world becomes when you cannot come in contact with people you love. And worst, when the person who says to you ´am busy' is not realizing the pain it causes you,

In light of all this, I will prevent myself in the future of using these words to others realizing that what it does to me will surely be done to others. There are certainly kind words to use in lieu of am busy to register your message.

Reader, if you have a comment, an idea, an edit, a suggestion, please tell Jacques@WisdomWhereAreYou.com