Very few people read me. And even among those, very few add a comment.
Yes, because I would be very happy to know what others think of my writings. And they don't.
So, what is the point of writing?
In the last 6-7 weeks, living through the Coronavirus pandemic, so much of my free time was spent writing. All I needed was a word, an idea, a thought and bingo, in my head I was composing.
And I think I produced some pretty interesting texts. But again, this is me talking and certainly I find them interesting.
Why do I insist on writing more?
Here, these days, I hear the words, tradition, miracle, foreign etc...
But once again, why?
With the situation as it is, we have almost all lost the taste for everything. This cannot last! We seem to get used to this rather unpleasant state of affairs because we have no choice.
Today's obligation is that the minute we leave our homes, we must wear a mask because thanks to it, we do not risk contaminating the neighbor, who also wears this mask to avoid contaminating us.
So, we undergo. A word that I do not like. Because undergo, means to lose control. We who think we are all macho, now this new nature surprises us and tells us that we are nothing. We are waiting for the governments to give us the authorization to do the most normal and coherent thing, to leave our homes. For almost two months now, nothing has happened and nothing is being done. The shops, whatever they are, are closed, the activities whatever they are are interrupted. Life is no longer the same and the economy is going down the drain.
We are all wondering when and how we will get out of this bewildering situation and what the new world we will soon face will be.
We have all, to date, armed ourselves with patience, fear has indeed affected many and we have almost lost the will to live.
affected many and we have almost lost the courage to face this misfortune.
The anxiety has made normal people behave in a dishonorable way, making incongruous gestures, until this young mother who, depressed at the highest point, stabbed her two daughters of 11 and 5 years.
Where are we going?
Curious! I said I didn't feel like writing anymore, and here I am, spouting off six paragraphs at high speed.
I recognize my problem.
I've rediscovered the word logorrhea, which we don't use very often, and I think I belong to that clique of verbose people who talk too much, sometimes to get along. But I firmly believe that I think more before I speak and will not attribute this learned word to myself.
I very much hope to regain the taste. It is very important. It is part of ourselves. Whatever it is, taste adds a favorable and positive element to our well-being. That is why we must not give it up. I use the word taste instead of craving, but I think they are similar.
So I'm going to take my courage in both hands, as they say, to stand up and face this new world that awaits us. Better to be ready than surprised. Maybe it won't be so bad. We've seen it all before. So let's get up and go on the attack.
From breath to soul: Man's discovery of his soul blog
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