What would happen if I didn't wake up from the anesthesia?

The hospital called me this afternoon to confirm that I had to be there tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. because the operation is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. I've been worrying for a week about this: What if I don't come back?

Come on, that doesn't happen. You wake up one or two hours later and it's over. Yes, but what if? Maybe once every twelve million times? that time could be tomorrow. So, isn't that reason enough to want to write your will?
What will?
Do I have millions to leave?

No, I have nothing. At least if I leave no property, I leave no debt either. Isn't that true wealth? To owe nothing. These days I earn a tenth of what I have already earned, and yet I am no worse off. Physically. Mentally, it's a different story. If you feel diminished because you don't earn anymore, it's rather dangerous for your morale.

Why should I go when I still have dozens, no hundreds of books to read. At this very moment, I have eight, maybe nine, books started. I've read a bit of each, depending on my mood. I want to know everything. My pleasure is to be enriched by the wisdom of others. They have been there before me, they have seen, lived, known, felt so many things that have not yet been given to me to know.



Today, I have decided to start a thesis. And why not?
I didn't finish a master's degree in Theology 25 years ago, because the work made me travel from one ocean to the other in a rather permanent way, well, today I have time. It is my most precious possession.

The world pays for time. All these companies do is rent your time. For a price, whatever it's worth to them. If it is my most precious possession, I should cherish it, use it to please myself, to enrich myself as I please, not to enrich another

Although if I write and what I say makes sense and someone finds it profitable, that other person has become rich at my expense. In that case, I don't see any harm in it because I have managed to sell that person to my cause and make them an extension of myself.
If I believe I am basically good and want others to become so by the example I set, let's go! Why not?

And as I write, I stop and consider the possibility that the euthanasia will not take possession of me because I am smarter, stronger, a fighter knowing how important life is . No ! I will win . I will come back and finish all I started.

Was I right to worry? I was wrong!
We should all be grateful to have the best health system meant to keep us alive and well for several more years .
It remains that , that particular thought crossed my mind and made me write about it.

Reader, if you have a comment, an idea, an edit, a suggestion, please tell Jacques@WisdomWhereAreYou.com